Today, CCC firmly stands behind having our call center employees experience the authentic arcade sounds, sights and real time retro competition.
Our new video arcade room has given CCC another strong gust of wind in our sails. Costa Rica's Call Center will continue to reward our amazing staff by a pace of 1 new arcade machine per 44 new telemarketing agents hired and hitting their monthly quota.
The employee friendly call center environment became more pleasurable immediately which can offset a demanding telemarketing career. Any BPO boss could only imagine and wish for laughter, smiles, spirited jokes and high energy at their Costa Rican office on a Monday morning before shift.
The reality today is that CCC has become the only call center to have gifted their entire staff a video arcade game room to have fun, period. All agents are given the option to arrive early to play the games or they may choose to stay inside and enjoy the machines during the evening while waiting for their ride to safely take them home.
An automatic plunger in the shape of a pistol. Smart Missile
This is a button located just above the pistol. Hitting it will award whatever is lit on the playfield. (Cannot be used for Skill Shot) The location of the Smart Missile is a real pain to try to hit in a hurry. The best thing to do is use the "Buddy System." :-) Flippers
The only two flippers in the game, in the normal place. Slingshots
Two normal slingshots. Inlanes
Both inlanes light the captive balls for 2X towards lighting multiball. Outlanes Will award special when lit, and deactivate the Smart Missile. Left Captive Ball Located just above the left outlane. Will advance MBALL and reset the timer of any mode currently running. CRANE Targets Actual drop targets that are used during various rounds. Located along the left side of the machine. (One for each letter in CRANE) Danger Bar
Located behind the CRANE targets. Any dropped CRANE target will expose the Danger Bar. Hitting the Danger Bar will reset all the CRANE targets. CRANE Lock
This is a place above the CRANE targets that holds balls locked for successfully spelling CRANE and hitting the Crane shot. Two balls maximum can be locked at one time. When M-Ball is started, any locked balls for that player are returned, via habitrail, to the left flipper. The machine keeps track of how many balls each player has locked, so it is possible to have "virtual" locks if the Crane is broken or another player starts M-Ball before you. Also called the Tar Pit. Ramp Entrance
The only ramp in the game, often referred to as THE ROOF. Used during various Dynamite Features, scores normal and Super Jackpots and to advance progress towards 'Second Cousin Franks' award. Located in the top left corner. The ramp has a large sweet spot, and the ball can be diverted to a habitrail to return to the left or right flipper. CAT Target
A red target located on the right post of the ramp. Only used during CAT Millions dynamite feature. Crane Shot
Located just to the right of the ramp, this is a passage that will lead to a VUK kickout and return the ball, via a habitrail, to the right flipper. During certain times, the crane will be in position to catch a ball kicked out from here. A ball not hit hard enough will fall into one of the Double-Your-Bonus rollovers. Double-Your-Bonus Rollovers Like Advance X on most machines, completing these three rollovers will double your current bonus that is awarded at the end of your ball. (Max of 50M)
Pop Bumpers
Three pop bumpers in the normal triangular arrangement. Located at the top of the machine underneath the Double-Your-Bonus rollovers. They advance the currently flashing Dynamite Feature. Movie Screen
Scoop located in the upper middle of the playfield, just underneath the pop bumpers. When the yellow light is lit or flashing, it will award the current Dynamite Feature. Also used during some Dynamite features and to start M-Ball. Lt. Dekker Spinner A spinner target located between the movie screen scoop and the Chicken Scoop. A ball going through the spinner will immediately enter the pop bumpers. Chicken Scoop
Located to the right of the spinner. Used to "Play Chicken" and during some Dynamite Features. The ball can returned to the Chicken scoop via a small lane out of the pop bumpers right beside the Ripper kickout. (See below) A ball hit into the Chicken scoop will be returned from the Movie Scoop. Ripper
A Kickout like the Raptor pit in JP. Hitting the Ripper will return the ball to the flippers at about the speed of light. A ball draining shortly after a Ripper shot will be replunged. Also spots a letter in RIPPER. Right Captive Ball Captive ball to the right of the Ripper. Advances toward M-Ball and used during "Go to the Movies". Eyeball Targets Three targets on the upper right side of the machine, just to the right and underneath the Right Captive Ball. Hitting all three will light another 5M badge on the playfield, and will also award a "Benedict's Bonus". Wildcard Scoop
A scoop on the right just above the right outlane. Awards WildCard, Extra Ball when lit, and sets the Dynamite feature to one of "Last", "Action", or "Hero". 5M Badges Badges lit on the playfield at the entrances to certain shots. There locations are: The left captive ball, the Crane, The Ripper, and the Wildcard Scoop. These shots must also be hit during the 6-Ball sequence. Dynamite Features Like most other games these days, LAH has a series of modes to complete. These are the lights just above the flippers. Steady lit lights indicate that the feature has been completed. The flashing feature is the next feature to be awarded after a shot to the movie scoop. The pop bumpers change the current award. RIPPER Lights
Located on the lower left side of the cabinet. There is one light for each letter in RIPPER. Hitting the Ripper shot adds another letter. Completing RIPPER awards the current RIPPER Bounty. Smart Missile Light A light on the lower right side of the cabinet. It will be flashing throughout your current ball if the Smart Missile is still available to be used. Magnet
Yes, LAH does have magnets underneath the playfield, right below the Dynamite Features. The eye of the pyramid below the Movie Scoop will be lit (or blinking) when the magnets are activated. The magnets are in a triangular shape similar to TAF. Shaker Motor At various times during the game, a shaker motor will be activated to vibrate the machine for a pretty neat effect. (It's identical to the one in JP.) It comes on whenever the ball enters the pop bumpers, and when various rounds are in progress. Skill Shot
The skill shot on LAH is identical to the one on LW3. A red light underneath each of the CRANE targets will will flash in sequence. You must plunge the ball so the ball will knock down the currently lit target. It awards: Ball 1 : 2M Ball 2 : 3M Ball 3 : 4M Instant Info
Holding either flipper button for awhile will show you Instant Info. This will list the replay value, number of extra balls earned, current bonus, Second Cousin Frank's award value, Last Action Hero award value, World Premier award value, as well as the High Score table. You can page through the display by hitting the other flipper.
Ball Saver Last Action Hero has a ball saver that is active during the first few seconds of a ball being plunged. If you get an outlane drain immediately after hitting the CRANE targets, the ball will be returned. If the replunged ball again drains after hitting the CRANE targets, it will be replunged once again. After this, your on your own. The ball saver will also be active after a shot to The Ripper, the first few seconds of M-Ball and the first moments of Super Crane and 6 ball. "Don't Move!" NOTE: One newer ROM's, the machine will supposedly forgive many right outlane insta-drains.
Dynamite Features A few notes about the Dynamite features before I actually start explaining them: The Movie Scoop will be lit to award a feature at the start of each ball. After it's collected, the ramp will relite the scoop. Going through either inlane will lit the movie scoop for a VERY limited amount of time. You can have various modes running at the same time, but there are some exceptions that will be noted below. As far as I can tell, the Smart Missile does NOT award the currently flashing Dynamite Feature. (It lights the scoop for M-Ball) Using the Smart Missile will automatically light M-Ball at the movie scoop. If M-Ball is lit, M-Ball will be started. When M-Ball is ready at the Movie Scoop, Dynamite Features (obviously) cannot be collected. During any kind of timed round, hitting the Left Captive Ball will reset the timer back to it's maximum value. This can only be used once per round.
Hitting an inlane during most Dynamite Features will lite the Wildcard scoop. Hitting the scoop before it times out will double the current scoring for whatever round is going on. This can be VERY worthwhile on some rounds. (It does not work for every Dynamite Feature.) The World Premier Award (and I think the Last Action Hero Award) are increased in the following way: Every round you successfully complete will add 5M to the World Premier/LAH awards and 5 seconds to your World Premier time. (See sections on World Premier and LAH for a full explanation of these 2 rounds.) Round Completion will be specified for each Dynamite Feature. The Dynamite Features are: (In no particular order)
Blow Out Light Extra Ball Go to the Movies Red Eye The Roof Big Mistake Cat Millions Super Crane Save Danny Find Benedict "Last" "Action" "Hero" *World Premier* (Can be collected after all other Dynamite Features are cleared) Light Extra Ball is obvious - once lit, it can be collected at the Wildcard scoop. The other rounds will be described in detail.
Blow Out This is a frenzy round in the tradition of TZ's Town Square Madness or JP's Stampede. You start at a base score of 6M, and the target value starts at 250K. Every 10 target hits raises the target value by 50K. The points are awarded immediatly. A typical Blow Out score will be 17-20M. A ball that spends a lot of time in the pop bumpers will net a Blow out Score of around 20-30M. Blow out lasts for 20 seconds.
The Maximum switch value is 1M. The maximum Blow Out value is 99M. Round completion is specified as having a Blow Out total of over 20M. Hitting the Smart Missile during Blow Out will reset the timer to 20 seconds, credit you with about 30 target hits, and light M-Ball. Go to the Movies This is an "Add-a-Ball" round. During this round, both Captive Balls are lit for 20 seconds. Hitting either captive ball will plunge another ball into play. After the 20 seconds expires, both captive balls score 5M per hit. The round ends when all but but one ball drains, or the timer reaches 0 and neither captive ball has been hit. Hitting the left captive ball will reset the timer for Go ot the Movies to 20 seconds. I think hitting the Smart Missile will credit you with a captive ball hit, reset the timer and plunge another ball into play. NOTE: No other rounds may be started while Go to the Movies is active, and the Captive ball hits do not advance you towards M-Ball as they normally do. Round completion is hitting EACH captive ball at least once after the timer has expired. Red Eye In this round, the objective is to hit the Eyeball targets 3 times for 30M points. The first hit scores 5M, the second 10M, and finally 15M for the last Eyeball hit. The Smart Missile will award the next point value that would have resulted in a real hit to the Eyeball targets. (In other words, the Smart Missile will NOT award the complete 30M like the JP Smart Missile would.) Round completion is hitting the Eyeball targets 3 times. The Roof The point of this round is to make 3 ramp shots in the 20 seconds given. Ramp #1 is worth 5M, the second is worth 10M and the final ramp is 15M. The ball will be diverted to the right inlane after every successful Roof shot. The Smart Missile will award the next point value that would have resulted from a real ramp shot. Completion is hitting all three ramps. Big Mistake Here, you have three targets you must hit, in order. You have 20 seconds to do this. The targets are: Any CRANE targets for 5M Any Eyeball target, for 10M The Movie Screen scoop, for 15M Again, the Smart Missile will award the active target value, and not all three. Completion is hitting all three targets for the maximum of 30M. Cat Millions During this round, the display will show a little mouse (I think) jumping across various point amounts. Hitting the Cat target will award the amount the mouse is currently sitting on. After hitting the target, another mouse is added, so hitting the target the next time will award 2 Cat Millions values, and so on. The values on the display are: 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M 9M 8M 7M 6M 5M A maximum of three values can be lit at once. The Smart Missile will award the currently lit value(s). Completion is getting at least three hits on the Cat target. Super Crane Super Crane is a 6 ball multiball round. The only goal during Super Crane is to hit the Crane Shot and the CRANE targets. No other rounds can be started during Super Crane, but I believe that rounds that were going when super crane was started will continue. (Check me on this.) The Crane has an initial value of 5M and and a timer of 20 seconds. Everytime you hit the Crane, the value goes up by 5M. After the initial 20 seconds is up, you must hit all the CRANE targets to relight the Crane. The value of the Crane will be at whatever it was before the timer expired. If you hit the CRANE targets to relight the Crane, then the Crane stays lit until you hit it. (No timer.) You continue the process of hitting the CRANE targets, then the Crane until all but one ball drains. The Smart Missile will award the current crane value, or relight the Crane if wasn't lit already. Completion is defined as getting a Crane Jackpot after the initial timer expires. (Hitting all CRANE targets then hitting the Crane.) Save Danny This is a hurry up round. You must shoot the Crane shoot to save Danny from falling off the Crane. The value starts at 20M and bottoms out at 3M. Shooting the Crane awards the current value and saves Danny from certain doom. The Smart Missile collects the current save Danny award. Completion is obviously saving Danny. It's fun to watch Danny fall to his death. Listen for the realistic SPLAT as he hits the ground in a bloody mess! :-) Find Benedict "In this world, the bad guys can win." The object here is to search for Benedict in the three scoops. The game randomly picks one at the start of the round, and I have found no pattern to where Benedict is 'placed'. Hitting an incorrect scoop will show that door opening on the display, and a large dog running out after you. For finding Benedict, you get 30M, and some really cool animation. Completion is finding Benedict for 30M. "Have a nice day." BANG! "LAST" "ACTION" "HERO" Hitting the Movie scoop when LAST, ACTION or HERO is lit will award 10M points, and spot you that word. Completing LAST ACTION HERO will start a 6 Ball sequence described below. If the currently flashing Dynamite Feature is something other than LAST, ACTION or HERO, a shot to the Wildcard scoop will automatically set the Dynamite Feature to the next unlit word in LAST ACTION HERO. Completing LAST ACTION HERO will award a Last Action Hero bonus. As far as I know, this award is based on the number of rounds you successfully complete before starting LAH. Now the fun begins. You are initially given 25 seconds on the clock, and the display will say "50 hits required". All six balls will be put into play, and the object is to hit 50 targets in the time remaining. Doing so will award the score in the display located underneath the number of targets you have to hit. (It usually starts at about 15M.) Successfully getting 50 hits will add more time to the timer (I think 8-9 seconds..) and you will be required to get 50 more target hits. The award value continues where it was previously, and every target hit adds to the total. Obviously, this can result is big points. Any ball that is lost will be immediately replunged. The award value will wrap back around to 0 after it reaches 99M. Also be warned that if you somehow get over 99 seconds on the timer, the round is ended because the timer wraps around to 0 as well! (I've had this happen with a sling shot that went crazy.) If you keep 1 or 2 balls going through the Lt. Dekker spinner and into the pop bumpers, this round can go on for quite sometime. I've had a LAST ACTION HERO round last well over 10 minutes, and scored over 4B points during it. When the timer reaches 0, the flippers, pop bumpers and slingshots go dead. Check out the display during this period. ("Balls Draining...") When the game has accounted for all the balls, Arnold will say "Ready!" and a ball will be autoplunged into play. Every completion of the 50 switch closures adds 5M to the World Premier Award and 5 seconds to the timer. World Premier After collecting all Dynamite Features, (including LAST ACTION HERO) the Features will start flashing, and the yellow light above the Movie Scoop will be flashing. Hitting the scoop will start World Premier. First, you are awarded the World Premier value. Like the Last Action Hero award, it is based on how many rounds you complete, and how well you did during the LAH round. Next the display will show a display of a movie theater with people going inside. On the bottom of the display, it will say "People Seated" and "Maximum Seating Capacity". During this time, any ball shot into the Movie scoop will award 1M times the number of people listed by "People Seated". You can hit the scoop as many times as you wish, there by collecting a nice chunk of points every time. When the "People Seated" is equal to the "Maximum Seating Capacity", the round ends. The "Maximum Seating Capacity", as explained above, is a function of how many rounds are completed when World Premier begins. Chicken Scoop "Let's play chicken." A shot to the Chicken scoop will show your current number of chicken scoop shots, and how many shots till the next award. After the award is collected, your chicken scoop shots are reset, and you will have to hit the scoop one more time than you did previously to achieve the next award. The awards are as follows: 2 shots - 5 Million 3 shots - 10 Million OR Extra Ball 4 shots - 15 Million OR Light Special (At the outlanes) After achieving 4 shots, the remaining awards are always 15M, I think. I have never personally gotten passed the 4 award. The extra ball that could be awarded after 3 shots is based on the machines EB percentages. Same goes with the Special being lit. Second Cousin Frank's The Second Cousin Frank's award is an award that is held over from game to game until it is collected. Collecting the award will reset its value to 3M. Shots that add points to the award are ramp shots and when the ball returns to the Chicken Scoop via the little pathway to the left of the Ripper. I believe the value added in both cases is 100K. Hitting a ramp shot that does not light the Dynamite Feature grid will show on the display "Second Cousin Frank's", a playing card being flipped over, and the current award value. The ball will be returned to the right flipper. You now must hit the ramp again. The ball is now returned to the left flipper. Now shoot the Chicken Scoop to collect the award. This is referred to as the "Center Scoop" on the display. To summarize: 2 consecutive ramp shots, then a shot to the Chicken Scoop. The ball must hit nothing else after the second ramp shot except the Chicken scoop, or the sequence is canceled. Check out the animation for collecting Second Cousin Frank's. M-BALL "Jack Slater can't lose!" M-Ball is lit after a certain number of captive ball hits have been achieved. Going through an inlane will light the captive balls to award 2X the number of hits. (Which means you get 2 hits counted for only one captive ball shot.) When the correct number of captive ball hits are achieved, the Movie scoop will be lit for M-Ball. LOCKING BALLS Knocking down all the CRANE targets will start Runaway Crane, and light the Crane lock. Runaway crane is a hurry-up shot that counts from 10M down to 3M. Regardless if you collect the Runaway Crane award, the Crane lock will remain lit. Hitting the Crane while the lock is lit will make the crane move underneath where the ball is returned, catch the ball, and move it to the lock area where it will be held until M-Ball is achieved. The green lights on the lock area will tell you how many balls you have locked. (Even though the balls might not actually be there.) Knocking down the CRANE targets after two balls are locked will award a 7M Crane bonus. NOTE: On hard settings, crane locks will time out if not hit before the Runaway crane value reaches 0. STARTING M-BALL Hitting the movie scoop begins M-Ball. Two balls are plunged, and any locked balls you have are released. (If you have "Virtual" locked balls, those will be autoplunged as well). The base jackpot value starts at 15M plus 5M for every ball you locked prior to M-Ball. (Maximum 25M jackpot). Every target on the playfield adds to the jackpot value, some more than others. Shoot the ramp to collect the current jackpot. NOTE: On hard settings, you must hit the crane to light the Roof Jackpot. After the jackpot is collected, the Crane will be lit for double the collected jackpot value. You have 10 seconds to collect this. If you fail to hit the crane in this 10 second period, you must shoot the crane to relight the normal jackpot. Scoring the double jackpot starts 6-Balls. (See Below.) RESTART If you drain all but one ball without collecting the Jackpot, the movie scoop will be lit for a 2 ball restart for 10 seconds. Hitting the scoop will restart M-Ball with a jackpot value of 10M. 6 BALLS All six balls are launched into play. The object of 6 Ball is to first collect all the 5M badge shots on the playfield. The display keeps track of which badges you have collected, and which still have not been spotted. (See above for locations of the 5M Badge shots). Hitting the 4 badge targets will then light the crane for 30M. Hitting the crane will once again light the 5M badge targets, which again must be completed. After the badge shots have been made, the ramp is lit for a Super Jackpot of 50M times number of balls left in play. Collecting that lights the Double Super Jackpot at the crane for 100M times the number of balls in play. You have 10 seconds to collect this jackpot. After you collect the Double Super Jackpot or it times out, the process starts all over again with the 5M badge targets, Super and Double Super Jackpots. 6 Balls ends whenever all but one ball drains. End Of Ball Bonus The end of ball bonus is a function of how many targets you hit during the ball (10K a piece), and the "Double-Your-Bonus" rollovers. Lighting all three of the "Double-Your-Bonus" rollovers doubles your current bonus. The end of ball bonus tops out at 50M. The bonus starts at 1M at the start of each ball. There is no bonus hold or bonus multiplier. NOTE: Hitting the flipper buttons during bonus countdown gives a cool motorcycle like revving sound, and goes to the next ball.