Friday, January 23, 2009

Call center outsourcing jobs.

Call center outsourcing jobs in Costa Rica pay more than most outsourcing jobs in India and the Philippines and are able to offer more qualified agents. Call center outsourcing jobs need to provide a very stable work environment which assists an outsourcing company when hiring many bilingual call center agents in a short period of time while launching a new outsourced campaign.

The call center outsourcing jobs industry is growing each year and this demand has created a rush to hire the best bilingual call center agents for an inbound or outbound BPO campaign.

Costa Rica’s Call Center has a major advantage when it comes to hiring qualified bilingual Spanish and English speaking customer service and telemarketing call center agents to handle your important outsourcing campaign.

Every North American company that outsources call center services with Costa Rica’s Call Center can be rest assured that our call center management hires less than 10% of the applicants. We only hire the top outsourcing bilingual call center agents in the outsourcing industry, period. Costa Rica's Call Center strictly adheres to all applicable Costa Rica employment laws.

Costa Rica's Call Center works hard every day to meet with the brightest outsourcing call center agents in the country, talking with them about joining our bilingual Costa Rican call center teams at all levels and for a variety of outsourced BPO campaigns. Since call center outsourcing jobs are in high demand, the call center’s human resource department receives on a daily basis an abundant number of solid qualified agent resumes. From a client’s viewpoint, Costa Rica’s Call Center has the luxury of choice selections of the elite in outsourcing bilingual call center agents.

Call center outsourcing jobs require that the call center agents have a strong sense of innate customer service skills as well as an especially keen ability to listen to detail in order to offer the most effective result for your outsourced campaign. Without an extroverted and relentlessly positive attitude during the initial interview or continuing through the telemarketing training period, the call center’s management team will deny the employment of that particular candidate. Call center outsourcing jobs need to be filled by the best, period.

The changing global economy and the unfortunate downsizing of the North American corporate world makes call center outsourcing jobs to a Costa Rican call center an important topic for top executives when deciding a company’s growth potential or even survival. Every outsourced Costa Rican call center job can make a difference to your company’s bottom line and increase your employee morale by offering opportunities to very grateful and hard working bilingual call center agents that will represent your company in the best light. There are ideally suited Costa Rica’s Call Center agents waiting to assist your inbound customer service call today.

Call center outsourcing jobs is simple when understanding the qualifications for the ideal bilingual call center agent for your outsourced campaign. From the many years of continuous growth, call center employment is considered a stable long term career in Costa Rica. Confidence in a call center agent is just as important as their work ethics. Punctuality, honesty, accountability and results can separate a subpar outsourced call center agent in another firm to one of Costa Rica’s Call Center’s highly trained and motivated outsourced call center agents. A bilingual outsourced telemarketer who believes that they possess advanced communication skills are the first agents we interview when hiring for an outbound lead generation or bilingual outbound sales campaign. An outsourced bilingual customer service agent that holds empathy and patience in high regard are two skills that every hand picked call center agent posses at our Costa Rican call center. Every well executed inbound phone call ensures the best in top outsourced customer service, client retention and increased referrals resulting from the first class experience given by the Costa Rican call center agent. What you would personally expect to receive from a customer service representative on the phone is exactly how we are going to handle each and every one of your inbound or outbound phone calls with your clients.

When it comes to BPO call center outsourcing jobs in web design and computer programming, a company can save up to 70% and receive better and faster results when outsourcing with Costa Rica’s Call Center. The top universities in Costa Rica pride themselves by offering advanced education in web design, computers and IT certification. Every year, brilliant Costa Rican professors graduate an army of young and talented individuals who are hungry to create a masterpiece for your company’s image on the internet. By outsourcing a job with Costa Rica’s Call Center, you will give us the ability to match your needs with a top call center web designer and computer programmer that will be strictly devoted to your outsourced project in order to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with the results.

Call center outsourcing jobs offer all bilingual call center agents entering the call center the best and most effective in advanced bilingual telemarketing training in Costa Rica. All outsourced agents are educated with a strong emphasis in semantics, phonetics, rhetoric, interpersonal communication and conflict management to make sure the inbound or outbound call is a success for our client’s outsourced campaign.

Costa Rica’s Call Center’s strong work ethic consistently produces bilingual call center agents accustomed to the high demands and professionalism expected by North American clients. Unlike large outsourced call centers in the Far East and Asia that are known for long rows of gray cubicles occupied by nameless and expendable agents, our Costa Rican call center differs by extending an appreciative work environment built on recognition and a highly structured internal career development program for long term call center career growth. We produce future leaders in the call center industry, not laggards that use it as a transitional job with no known intentions for promotion. The Costa Rican call center outsourcing jobs industry requires many different types of job positions and specialized skills in order to make an outsourced campaign successful and long term. There will always be opportunities available in our call center for the top bilingual outsourced call center agents in Costa Rica.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanoes or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Call center services Costa Rica.

When it comes to call center inbound service or an outbound outsourced telemarketing campaign in Costa Rica, the best strategy an outsourcing company could provide their clients would be to make sure that their bilingual call center service is reliable, of highest quality and carefully structured to make all outsourced campaigns very successful with a long term objective. Our bilingual Costa Rican call center encourages you to find out why our call center services will assist to make your company grow comfortably and financially.

In a world full of outsourcing services and multiple call centers throughout the world, our Costa Rican call center services are regarded as in the top ten most proficient call center locations to near- shore in the outsourcing industry.

When most North American companies decide to use call services Costa Rica, they may consider a bilingual call center telemarketing campaign that comprises of inbound and outbound call center services. A small company may not have the proper resources or time to staff, train and manage an effective outbound telemarketing campaign. Our bilingual Costa Rican call center can offer any client complete call center software and call center services support to make Costa Rica’s Call Center BPO outsourcing a smart choice for your growing business.

Small and medium-sized North American companies that are looking to expand internationally must consider outsourcing call center services in Costa Rica to remain globally competitive. High business operating costs and global recessions are causing companies to lay off staff or refuse to initiate a good new idea because of the initial investment.

Outsourcing with Costa Rica’s Call Center will avoid downsizing your company after so many years of hard work and dedication. By taking advantage of our call center outsourcing services in Costa Rica, your company will not only double the amount of bilingual call center staff, but will be able to make the most of your internet and web site budget with our call center software services to help increase business in the 21st century.

Many countries provide outsourcing services and low cost call center agents, but may have poor customer feedback in regards to an unclear accent, poor attitude and especially the understanding of the North American culture. By considering a Costa Rican call center service, your company will be improving the percentage of a successful North American BPO telemarketing campaign in both English and Spanish. Costa Ricans take pride in a ninety percent literacy rate, a large influx of North American tourists and the luxury of a central time zone. In addition, a CEO located in the United States can take a non- stop flight and arrive in the capital, San Jose Costa Rica, in less than six hours from any major city location and be at our Costa Rican call center to visit their outsourced campaign and spend time with their dedicated bilingual call center agents. It makes sense to outsource your next BPO bilingual campaign with our call center services Costa Rica.

We know that what you are most interested in when seeking call center services Costa Rica telemarketing outsourcing partner in Central America is a company with state-of-the-art call center software and the highest level telemarketing training. Outbound telemarketing services in Costa Rica can be used to market to potential customers in the United States and around the world but will only be as effective as the equipment and training provided by the call center. We make sure that clearly defined needs are discussed before you begin a telemarketing or customer service campaign at Costa Rica’s Call which will focus on achieving your specific telemarketing goals. The most experienced bilingual outsourcing call centers should be those with high employee retention and an in-house script development team that will assist you with your call center services and make your BPO campaign a success.

In today's highly competitive bilingual outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what outsourcing call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore during a recession or rapid growth stage.

Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanoes or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Call center software Costa Rica.

We invite you to learn more on why our call center software in Costa Rica is the best solution for your next outsourcing campaign. Our call center software can handle any size outsourced campaign while our highly trained BPO call center management team can offer your business a proven method of expanding or staying in contact with your current customer base without the pressure, anxiety and time needed by your home office staff in hiring and training bilingual call center agents.

Our Costa Rican call center takes pride in providing a full array c of support programs for any sized outsourcing BPO call center. Areas of call center software Costa Rica include, among others: management, scheduling, monitoring, reporting, recording, database and especially tracking software. A bilingual call center is only good as their IT support and their ability to exceed the expectations of all of our clients that decide to outsource jobs like to Costa Rica’s Call Center.

To make a Costa Rican call center successful, a capable bilingual IT department must have the ability to provide a client sufficient reporting on a daily basis. If an outsourced campaign reaches over 100 seats, or even 1000 seats filled by call center agents, the more advanced the call center software, the better.

Telemarketing sales must be analyzed and reported through our advanced management software while scheduling and maximizing call center agent performance can be handled by our call center scheduling software. All of your previous constant worry of daily sales tracking is easily handled by our Costa Rican call center software. Your pens, pencils and notebooks cannot keep up with an established outsourced organization whose clients require and demand the best in call center software.

As your BPO outsourcing campaign expands, our call center software will be able to track your company’s growth in order to properly provide you detailed reporting. Costa Rica’s Call Center will provide a complete study of those methods and investments that will be available that will make your ROI very successful .

Unfortunately, the majority of advanced call center software is not provided free of charge or readily available on the internet. In order to properly control a call center or even attempt to launch an outsourcing campaign with call center software Costa Rica, the most important action would be to have the best in call center software made available to you to help maximize performance and profits.

In addition to providing call center supporting software to a telemarketing or customer service care campaign, Costa Rica’s Call Center has the best in call center software to be able to create, manage and run an IT department or a computer web design department. The most efficient bilingual Costa Rican computer programmer must have at their disposal call center management, database and technology software. Your outsourced SEO projects and our web site designers will make your outsourced campaign very successful and decrease the time to launch with the best in call center software Costa Rica.

A safe and secure database is essential in running call center software Costa Rica. Outsourcing with Costa Rica’s Call Center with regards to a database is at the heart of the call center. The database can be moved to any workstation anywhere in the call center. The first step for the IT department would be to obtain the software and hardware to set up the database. Afterward, the database software us placed onto whatever workstations will be used for the particular outsourced campaign, thus enabling the center to be utilized for multiple campaigns.

Call center software Costa Rica begins by populating the database with hot and cold lists of potential customers as well as an existing customer base for additional contact. Call centers rely on effective phone lines that are hooked up directly to call center software in the form of a predictive dialer, PBX for inbound calls or VOIP lines for outbound telemarketing campaigns. After the phones are linked to the database, a trial run of the technology is essential before calls are made to clients to ensure it is user-friendly and reliable.

Call center software is as important to an outsourced campaign as telemarketing training. Both areas must be technologically secure, reliable and have the ability to outperform the same type of competition you may be considering in India or the Philippines, etc. for their lower cost structure.

Costa Rica has a very solid infrastructure, the only stable democratic government in Central America, very competitive labor costs and a bilingual call center job pool that is especially attuned to the North American culture. Outsourcing call center jobs are some of the top paying career opportunities in Costa Rica. This differs greatly from other countries that consider call center positions as a transitional job or a dead end. Those other call center locations have attrition rates five to ten times greater than that at Costa Rica’s Call Center.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanoes or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Call center solution Costa Rica.

Call center queue models are a vital aspect to any call center solution in Costa Rica and the entire outsourcing industry. Not only does queue represent qualitative insight to your BPO outsourced campaign, but our Costa Rican call center strongly believes a single call center is more effective at answering calls and providing identical customer service than multiple (distributed) call centers throughout the Far East and Asia that lacks a Spanish language capacity.

When choosing the right bilingual outsourcing call center solution, many factors must be taken into consideration in order to make the most intelligent decision on which Costa Rican call center can fulfill your BPO outsourcing needs.

Central American call centers have earned a fine reputation for offering superior call center solutions in Costa Rica that range from simple bilingual customer service support to more demanding campaigns such as outbound telemarketing for sales or lead generation. For many North American companies looking to expand and to save money on their bottom line, a call center solution to outsource Costa Rica’s Call Center is a very sound out sourcing solution.

Call center managers and supervisors can make a big difference to your call center solution in Costa Rica. Any bilingual call center can operate in Costa Rica, but, which have the proper call center management team and IT support in place to properly motivate your call center agents to outperform other call center agents in India and the Philippines?

To ensure that your call center solution Costa Rica is a long term outsourcing success, our bilingual call center solution Costa Rica is to use real time statistics, analyzed data and detailed historical information combined with projected needs of our clients to generate precise schedules to meet anticipated call center staffing level needs. Our inbound customer service or outbound telemarketing phone calls can make all of the difference to your bottom line and your company’s defense during a global recession.

Another outsourcing call center solution in Costa Rica is to utilize cross-selling as a beneficial choice to increase sales during an outbound telemarketing campaign. Costa Rica’s Call Center has the ability to negotiate in both English and Spanish proficiently which will result in additional markets to penetrate as well as increased revenues opportunities.

A bilingual call center solution Costa Rica should always strive to be quality and efficiency driven, not a call center that offers service for the lowest cost, period.

Without QED in any outsourced BPO campaign, the chance of success and the return on your investment will decrease. Costa Rica’s Call Center makes it a priority that we assist the client in the best and fastest way. Our call center solution Costa Rica is to plan and operate skills-based-routing of calls within the call center departments to maximize performance.

The increased quality of communication between call center departments and managers produces, as an end result, satisfied customers and multi-skilled bilingual call center agents in Costa Rica.

Costa Rican call center management find an easy outsourcing solution when handling the calls by forming an organized multi-tier call support program for more efficient handling of customer needs. The first level offers professional bilingual call center agents, who greet the callers, answer generic questions, or forward the caller to the appropriate call center agent or supervisor for specific attention. Often, a call center solution Costa Rica could be to use an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system that will provide recorded general directory information and options for the inbound or outbound call. If a caller requires more assistance, the call is forwarded to the second level, where more serious issues can be attended to by a Costa Rica’s Call Center manager or supervisor. In some cases, there may be three or more levels of call center support staff in order to provide the best call center solution in Costa Rica for your outsourced campaign.

All bilingual call center agents in call center solution Costa Rica require a certain amount of patience, empathy, and a sturdy set of vocal cords. Costa Rican call center agents are human and have problems like any other customer service employee. The call center solution is not to bring them to work and affect the performance of the agent. The pressure in a call center is demanding and it can be easy to get stressed out on a normal day at a call center, which may result in treating customers poorly. Call center managers at Costa Rica’s Call Center look for signs to identify an agent struggling with performance. The manager has the necessary call center training solution in place to adjust the agent’s mindset in order to maximize the call center agent’s performance and attitude while taking a call. The finest call center solution for an agent would be to relax after experiencing an uncomfortable call. The Costa Rican call center trick is to close your eyes, take deep breaths, find your composure, and calm down before the next call.

Call center solution Costa Rica always gauge what the call volume will be like for that particular day so that call center management will be properly staffed if it's going to be a very heavy business day. This helps eliminate customer hostility from spending too much time in queue or being transferred to different departments. This will keep us from having to call the customer back.

When the call volume is highest, a call center solution would be to walk the fine line between friendliness and professionalism when dealing with an irate customer. We always adhere to the call center and client’s guidelines for professionalism, but try and add personal touches to your call i.e., like using the customer's first name to sound more sincere and interested in helping the customer while avoiding dead air. Dead air makes people uncomfortable, and this will make the bilingual call center agent’s job harder.

Costa Rica's Call Center gives your company a call center solution in Costa Rica by offering more than double the amount of highly skilled and trained bilingual call center agents for the same salary and benefits as you would pay within your local area. The high demand for Costa Rican call center solutions has rewarded our call center with a large amount of highly qualified resumes of advanced bilingual telemarketers and empathetic customer service agents that have the desire to work with your company.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanoes or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Outsourcing call center Costa Rica.

The future of call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is highly affected by globalization and an increase in Latino purchasing power. Outsourcing has assisted in making the business world become figuratively smaller that has a direct effect on the way international companies do business in the 21st century. With productivity and bilingual language skill levels becoming increasingly important to the bottom line, many United States companies are looking to Costa Rica’s Call Center to outsource their customer support. Even though most call centers in Costa Rica cannot offer rates as competitively low as other countries such as India, the Philippines and South Africa, Costa Rica’s Call Center boasts a more highly skilled and trained bilingual work force with greater employee retention, creating a consistent level of customer support for their offshore clients. You can easily balance your company's need for outsourcing with its economic goals by researching the call center market in Costa Rica.

Outsourcing call center Costa Rica offer bilingual call center jobs that are generally outsourced by most North American companies looking to expand. One of the most well-known is outbound telemarketing along with high quality customer service. From startups to fortune 500 companies all continue to outsource their help centers to call centers located in Costa Rica. Other outsourced jobs that are gaining momentum are jobs that are require ghostwriting work, market research, and web design and computer graphics. Outsourcing work is very beneficial to major companies when outsourcing to Costa Rica’s Call Center. By utilizing highly trained bilingual call centers agents effectively, the added time and energy can be focused in their efforts on taking care of some of the more important aspects of their business. The main argument to outsource is because it is much easier to outsource some work to a company than to hire full-time employees for the job for twice the salary

Outsourcing call center Costa Rica is needed when North American companies realize that not all jobs can be performed in house and in order to grow, bilingual call center agents may be necessary.

Outsourcing has become so popular that it is a multi- billion dollar industry that continues to grow. Companies that decide to outsource bilingual jobs will allow work to be accomplished for less cost via outside labor sources located in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica’s Call Center specializes in hiring and training the finest bilingual call center agents in Central America.

When a company decides to outsource call center services, the reason may be from the need of additional bilingual manpower, reduced operational costs and expenditure of time in other departments such as human resources and recruitment.

Outsourcing call center Costa Rica allows companies to have an outsourced call center do the work for them and enables clients to grow at a comfortable pace. Once a mutually beneficial outsourcing contract is implemented and both parties sign, the process is set in motion. Telemarketing, customer service, compliance calls, survey calls are just a few services that Costa Rica’s Call Center offers clients for a fraction of the cost that they would pay locally.

While many companies prefer to outsource work, often this is done to Latino countries outside of their home country. “Near-shoring” is a solid decision when outsourcing call center jobs in Costa Rica. Call center jobs create high paying salaries in Costa Rica. Outsourcing call center Costa Rica has supplied companies that decide to outsource to Costa Rica a very large labor pool specifically designed to accommodate inbound and outbound BPO processes.

When a company decides to outsource call center Costa Rica, the company should first determine what the company's needs are before seeking an outsourcing partner in Costa Rica. The most successful outsourcing relationships in the field of customer support are those where the outsourcing partner handles only specific tasks as determined by the hiring company thus creating a streamlined procedure that can easily be developed and managed abroad. The most important aspect when outsourcing is the cost-effective sector in your customer support team and company's monitoring policy. Costa Rica’s Call Center may operate in a different time zone than the client’s home office, yet are able to monitor calls at random for quality assurance. This crucial step will create a sense of familiarity for your customer base, which may instill a higher level of confidence, particularly when dealing with more difficult service questions.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish-English language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanoes or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Outsourcing Costa Rica. Bilingual direct mail campaign can open new markets for your company.

Our outbound telemarketing calls can be used to make independent sales or applied as a follow up procedure to your mail campaign. Once a potential customer has received and looked at your mail, they may not have the intention to act, so a quality telephone call increases their level of interest. We are able to make appointments for you to visit a customer for personal assistance or distribute the qualified leads to your sales force in real time.

To make a great first impression, our call center’s web department can customize marketing templates to create professional, high-quality promotional material containing your company logo and messaging. Let us create a smart design that deserves a second look and not be regarded as 'junk mail' at first glance. Often this activity needs expensive professionals, Costa Rica's Call Center will offer a low-cost solution to write, design and implement your direct mail campaign.

The intention of your direct mail campaign is to generate a response that can be measured and handled properly while clearly defining the objectives of your target market .The best response method is calling into our call center with a specific toll free phone number to provide basic, well qualified customer service and maintaining a complete record of the result of the calls.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb a volcano or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Outsourcing Costa Rica. Bilingual call center agents will make your seminar a success.

We are diligent in sending out a confirmation email for those that register on line or over the phone when contacting our call center. If they choose to sign up online, they will receive an immediate follow up phone call for verification. We are able to create a discount enrollment program before the established deadline, such as an early bird registration or Costa Rica's Call Center can easily handle the volume discount calls to an organization at same time to sign them up. Our services can also include the assistance with transportation choices, corresponding costs or any matter that needs addressing to attend the event.

Costa Rica's Call Center welcomes all public speakers to use our call center to make your seminar efficient and successful. We are able to assist your event with a sales force, dedicated follow up structure and specially designed promotional literature. All contact during the registering process can be made in English and Spanish allowing you to reach a broader spectrum of potential clients.Gathering data and prospect information should be an important part of the seminar process and should be used to its full potential. At Costa Rica's Call Center, we develop a pre-qualification questionnaire prior to the event, and then implementing a well-developed post-event follow-up program that will increase the attendance and revenue. As the seminar date approaches, we will use our detailed callback list to make reminder calls and send emails before the event. Time is crucial to motivate the registrants who are late paying and to reduce buyer's regret. This process will analyze past cancellation and no shows to improve the registering process.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America’s paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb a volcano or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.