Showing posts with label bilingual call center agent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bilingual call center agent. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2020

FRENCY from the movie GREASE sings do wop for COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER f...

The amazing personal shout out begins with style, "Richard, the best boss asked me, Frenchy, to give a call out to COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER Grease T-Brids." Edith Conn Bernstein professionally known as Didi Conn, is an American actress, best known for her work as Frenchy in Grease,

"Congratulations on your 12th year anniversary." CCC appreciates the acknowledgement from a special star. When a movie or an offshore telemarketing service shows endurance, it proves that the foundation was strong to compete in Hollywood and the BPO industry. Grease continues to shine with old and new fans alike.

"He says he has the coolest staff around." Hearing that from an original Pink Lady is a huge compliment since the were the most popular girls at Rydell High. Hearing Frecny call us "cool" only ensures that CCC has the best call center agents that have produced the most effective office culture. Edith Bernstein was born in Brooklyn, New York City and knows how to handle herself in NYC and Hollywood.On November 13, 2008, she was named national celebrity spokesperson for Autism Speaks.

"And I can't get over...what an accomplishment. 12 years. Wow!" Conn made her debut as an actress in the 1960s and is still working and very popular today. Anyone that can celebrate a work milestone deserves recognition and respect when competing for a role on the big screen or a perfectly executed cold call close over the phone. Both show talent, skill and the ability to act professionally. Conn provided the voice for Raggedy Ann in the animated feature Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure (1977). Her voice is one of her trademarks. She appeared as a celebrity guest on game shows like Match Game, The $20,000, $25,000, $50,000, and $100,000 Pyramids, Chain Reaction, and Go

"I hear you have a classic art deco building. Neon marquees." Grease showed the world how society looked in the 1950s. CCC wanted to make Barrio Aranjuez shine with a classic building that makes a statement and has given the artist culture in Central America a solid example of class and taste. In January 2016, Conn had a cameo as Vi in the Grease: Live television special on Fox, thus being the only actress to appear in all three screen adaptations of the franchise.

"Jukeboxes, arcades, 11 pinball machines?" In 2018, it was announced that Conn would be a contestant on the eleventh series on Dancing on Ice. At 67, she was the oldest person ever to have competed in the show.

"And a 50's cafe" . It my not be the Frosty Palace when Danny and Sandy share a shake, but we do offer the best double cheeseburgers in San Jose.

"Vintage Mercedes Limousine. Wow. This sounds fantastic." We enjoy picking up our guests in style from SJO  for a comfortable trip the the closest beach. On September 27, 2008, Conn performed with David Shire and Lynne Wintersteller at a benefit performance for Barack Obama in Nyack, New York. I am sure she arrived at that event in style as well and can understand the importance of luxury transportation.

"Well I say A-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-wop-bam-boom!" Not only do we get a sweet shout out, but Frenchy breaks into a classic 1950s song to top it off.

The video continues with one huge compliment for the leader of CCC, "To his cool staff from your Richard. The best boss." Your acknowledgement is much appreciated.

In conclusion, DIDI finishes her message with one special gift when she says, "All my love."

The entire staff at COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER  appreciates the time and effort in making this video. Stay safe and Pura Vida DIDI.



Monday, December 16, 2019


Entrada de datos de centro de llamadas bilingüe

El Centro de llamadas de Costa Rica es capaz de proporcionar un gran número de empleados de entrada de datos bilingües precalificados para su creciente campaña subcontratada. Para las empresas más pequeñas, podemos organizar, si es necesario, una solución temporal para poner en uso durante un período de rápido crecimiento. Para proyectos BPO nearshore más grandes que requieren que se transfieran cantidades continuas de datos, podemos dotar de personal a nuestro centro de llamadas de Centroamérica de manera permanente, dependiendo del tamaño y la escala de sus necesidades de outsourcing.

La entrada de datos bilingües en alta mar para centros de llamadas requiere un enfoque concentrado rígido, así como una estructura de BPO confiable para que sea verdaderamente efectiva y sensible al tiempo. La ortografía, la puntuación y las habilidades gramaticales son vitales para la precisión, al igual que la confianza en el manejo del equipo de oficina estándar y los procedimientos de cada aplicación. Muchas tareas aún implican una revisión exhaustiva de los resultados iniciales para confirmar la exactitud de los datos ingresados ​​y para ingresar manualmente cualquier información faltante o inexacta. La información sensible o vital se examina varias veces durante el proceso del centro de llamadas antes de ser finalmente aceptada y transmitida.

Al aprovechar la nueva tecnología de informes de outsourcing y las numerosas aplicaciones de Internet durante las últimas décadas, los documentos escritos a mano se están volviendo menos comunes en el mundo de los negocios y han disminuido en los tiempos modernos. El centro de llamadas de Costa Rica hace que sea más fácil para las empresas que buscan usar un centro nearshore enfocar su atención en las tareas con mayor prioridad y no invertir el tiempo, los recursos y el capital en posiciones mejor pagadas en la empresa para ingresar sus propios datos.

Nuestros agentes de centros de llamadas bilingües altamente capacitados pueden realizar estas tareas a tiempo completo por una fracción del precio en los Estados Unidos. Nuestro departamento latinoamericano de entrada de datos de outsourcing puede ingresar números de referencia, información de contacto de terceros, pedidos de ventas, informes de inventario y suministros, gastos y cualquier otra cosa que su empresa requiera, documentada y organizada en inglés o español, o ambos.

Nuestro Departamento de Recursos Humanos en el extranjero contrata a agentes de centros de llamadas bilingües con experiencia comprobada en el ingreso de datos, sin excepción. Todos los candidatos a centros de llamadas deben poseer habilidades avanzadas en el uso del teclado y en el uso de procesamiento de textos, hojas de cálculo y administración de bases de datos para unirse a nuestra organización de BPO y trabajar en cualquier campaña de outsourcing de nreashore.

The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.



Centro de llamadas offshore de programación de computadoras

Nuestro departamento de TI cercano al centro de llamadas de Costa Rica cuenta con un equipo integrado de técnicos bilingües de BPO, diseñadores creativos, escritores, programadores y profesionales de marketing que saben todo sobre tecnologías y negocios de Internet para obtener resultados en línea. Recibirá acceso inmediato a los expertos en hardware y software del centro de llamadas de América Central y a los rápidos tiempos de resolución. Proporcionamos mantenimiento de la red en alta mar las 24 horas y soporte de software operativo para los activos de TI subcontratados de su empresa con un tiempo de respuesta objetivo de 30 minutos.

La externalización de nuestros servicios de consultoría de red es solo una parte de nuestra cartera de servicios de red. No solo definimos estrategia y diseño de alto nivel, sino que también ofrecemos diseño lógico y físico, servicios de implementación y administración continua de la red. Nuestros profesionales latinoamericanos tienen una amplia experiencia en tecnología de redes y configuraciones CISCO. Con nuestros paquetes completos de nearshore, puede obtener alojamiento que incluye el registro de nombres de dominio, direcciones de correo electrónico, estadísticas web, bases de datos en línea, chats, foros y scripts en línea. Nuestro centro de llamadas le ayudará a examinar su e-business y la infraestructura de red.

La diversidad bilingüe caracteriza los entornos de TI de hoy. Las implementaciones de servidor, almacenamiento y sistema de red van desde servidores de archivos básicos hasta centros de datos de misión crítica. Sus necesidades de soporte técnico varían con su entorno. Confíe en el Centro de llamadas de Costa Rica para obtener la asistencia técnica rápida y necesaria para garantizar la estabilidad y confiabilidad de sus sistemas.

Soporte del Sistema de Call Center de Costa Rica:

Administración de red.

Especialista en redes informáticas.

Cisco Routing y sitching.

Seguridad de Cisco.

Configuración de servidores para múltiples propósitos.

Solución de problemas de Windows.

Bases de datos de Microsoft SQL.

Bases de datos MySQL.

Software personalizado para su negocio.

Visual Basic, PHP, ASP, .Net.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.


Saturday, December 14, 2019


Entrenamiento Avanzado en Telemercadeo

En el Call Center de Costa Rica, tenemos suficiente confianza en nuestra experiencia en telemarketing bilingüe y estamos dispuestos a divulgar una muestra de nuestra capacitación de BPO cerca de la costa para curanderos. Nuestro curso de telemarketing avanzado en América Latina ha sido altamente calificado por nuestro amplio conocimiento del centro de llamadas en las áreas de comunicación interpersonal, manejo de conflictos y fonética. Invitamos a todas las empresas interesadas en la contratación externa a descubrir por qué el Call Center de Costa Rica se encuentra entre las mejores técnicas de comunicación bilingüe para los vendedores por teléfono de Costa Rica.

Desde el primer día, nuestros nuevos agentes de servicio al cliente y ventas pasan por nuestra Programación Temprana del Sistema (ESP), donde capacitamos a los agentes de BPO para aumentar su nivel de intensidad y persistencia de comportamiento. Inicialmente, muchas personas valientes muestran interés en realizar llamadas en frío, pero no todas las personas tienen la capacidad de ser un profesional de telemarketing bilingüe que produce resultados. Un agente del centro de llamadas puede ser muy inteligente de acuerdo con una definición más conservadora, pero sin motivación para dedicar esta inteligencia a ciertas campañas de telemarketing BPO salientes.

La psicología de ventas de un centro de llamadas será el tema inicial de BPO que se tratará. La mente del operador de telemarketing se centra en cómo prevalecer sobre el rechazo y descubrir una resistencia física para manejar un mínimo de 8 horas de llamadas de calidad al día. El temor de cada agente bilingüe al telemarketing se aborda abiertamente y se resuelve con compasión. La prevención de la quema de los centros de llamadas se discute y se monitoreará de cerca diariamente para cada aprendiz centroamericano. Esta observación clave filtrará a los que dejan de fumar mientras promociona a los miembros del equipo de carrera de BPO para su empresa. En el Centro de llamadas de Costa Rica, no somos duros con el personal de nuestro centro de llamadas cercano a la costa, los seleccionamos y capacitamos para que trabajen arduamente para que su campaña en el extranjero sea exitosa.

La fonética bilingüe a menudo se discute y se recomienda como un estudio continuo para el dominio. Las llamadas de práctica siempre se registran, analizan y estudian durante cada sesión de capacitación y cubren los tipos de llamadas de telemarketing y escaladas de servicio al cliente desde el nivel uno (cierre fácil) hasta el nivel cinco (refutación ininterrumpida). Un análisis proporcionado a partir de una lista de verificación detallada juzgará el tono, la frecuencia, el tono, la duración, la pausa, la pausa embarazada, la entrega y el tiempo del agente para las preguntas abiertas y cerradas. La grabación de video de una llamada telefónica en el centro de llamadas implica el mismo estudio fonético junto con la comunicación no verbal para comprender cómo la postura del cuerpo, las expresiones faciales, las manos como ilustrador y el movimiento pueden mejorar dramáticamente la voz y la proyección. Todos los aprendices de BPO deben ser observadores externos para realizar los cambios mentales necesarios. La única forma en que alguien puede hacer grandes avances en la construcción de la superación personal es humillarse por sus propias críticas. El autocontrol y la reflexión es lo que hará que su equipo de telemarketing se encuentre entre el sonido más competente en el negocio y creará agentes de BPO a largo plazo para su proyecto offshore.

El script de telemarketing avanzado bilingüe se transferirá a una segunda hoja conocida como mapa de llamadas para facilitar la navegación de las llamadas, el flujo y la capacitación mejorada. Nuestros gerentes de centros de llamadas utilizan un diagrama de flujo sencillo para resaltar puntos de decisión críticos y objetivos familiares durante la conversación telefónica estructurada. Reconocer cuando hacen una buena pregunta se usa metódicamente y es esencial para promover una conversación adicional o soporte de servicio al cliente. La mayoría de los vendedores creen que hablar rápido es la forma de cerrar un trato. Sin embargo, fomentamos el silencio como muy instrumental cuando se usa con tacto en el teléfono. Las pausas embarazadas deliberadas se incorporan en nuestro campo y se destacan en el mapa de llamadas como una ventaja para alentar la participación del cliente.

Es necesario realizar un cuestionario obligatorio de capacitación en el centro de llamadas al final de cada clase de BPO para asegurarse de que los agentes latinoamericanos sepan cómo manejar nuestro sistema y tengan una comprensión confiable de su material subcontratado que se enseña ese día. La información de la campaña en el extranjero y la retórica avanzada son un mínimo de dos exámenes orales y escritos que deben aprobar todos los miembros del equipo bilingüe. A medida que la capacitación de telemarketing nearshore está a punto de finalizar, se realizarán varias llamadas de prueba para la aprobación final del script y la capacidad de los miembros de nuestro equipo para hablar adecuadamente en su compañía.

El centro de llamadas de Costa Rica opera todas las sesiones de capacitación de BPO bilingües en un entorno de baja presión. Al comienzo de la capacitación en el centro de llamadas, es muy importante crear un nivel de comodidad con nuestros procesos antes de que estén por su cuenta. Durante esta etapa, tienen que sentirse cómodos manejando los problemas de servicio al cliente y ventas muy rápidamente antes de que sean aprobados para hacer una sola llamada para su compañía. Cuanto más rápido lleguen los agentes al teléfono y tomen una llamada, mejorará su curva de aprendizaje, será más eficiente y disminuirá su tiempo de aceleración.

Nuestro centro de llamadas en América Central cubre todos los aspectos de la capacitación básica para agentes bilingües en el extranjero. Desde el año 2000, nuestro personal de capacitación en telemarketing aún tiene la pasión de capacitar y moldear talento en bruto mientras construye la autoestima y la confianza del equipo de BPO. Incluso si contratamos agentes que han estado telemarketing durante algún tiempo, todavía tenemos que enseñar nuestros métodos telefónicos específicos de propiedad de su campaña nearshore. Es importante analizar las sesiones de entrenamiento exactas que necesita antes de comenzar. El centro de llamadas de Costa Rica le proporcionará un cuestionario detallado que debe completar antes de la preparación de sus clases. Dependiendo de la escala y la complejidad de su campaña, los tiempos y la duración de la capacitación variarán según la competencia.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.


Friday, December 13, 2019


Call Center Generación de líderes

El Centro de atención telefónica de Costa Rica asegura que informaremos, prevendremos y calificaremos a todos y cada uno de los clientes potenciales para maximizar la adquisición de sus listas en inglés y español. Esa es nuestra palabra. Entramos en cada llamada de telemercadeo creyendo en una venta y si no terminan la llamada durante el curso de la presentación de BPO, pueden estar interesados ​​y necesitar un poco más de convicción. Cada nombre cuesta tiempo y dinero y no debe ser apresurado ni desperdiciado. Las listas de llamadas no se extinguen en el primer contacto, ya que se trabajan diligentemente y se mantienen actualizadas hasta que todos los posibles clientes externos estén en su rotación de ventas. Dado que los vendedores bilingües de Centroamérica suelen ser los empleados de centro de llamadas mejor pagados en una organización offshore, tiene sentido proporcionarles candidatos precalificados para que su producción de telemarketing sea más alta vendiendo y no llamando en frío.

Identificar y calificar a un prospecto puede ser una tarea costosa y compleja. Lo es aún más si no cuenta con mecanismos para capturar esa información para una venta. Siempre habrá un conjunto de candidatos bien emparejados para la compra de su producto o servicio dentro de un conjunto más grande de candidatos mal emparejados que deben filtrarse. La pregunta lógica es, ¿tiene usted personalmente el tiempo y la energía para lograr nuevos clientes potenciales y volver a conectarse con todos los prospectos, incluidos los clientes anteriores y actuales? Su solución nearshore es dejar las llamadas de prospección a nuestro centro de atención telefónica de América Latina para que podamos suministrar clientes potenciales calificados, definir el indicador de interés de la perspectiva y determinar el potencial de ventas para usted.

Como es de esperar cuando se deslocaliza a un centro de llamadas de América Latina, se verificará y verificará la calidad de una lista de verificación de información pertinente durante cada llamada telefónica de telemercadeo. Esta estrategia de BPO aumentará sus probabilidades de llegar a la persona adecuada por teléfono y a aquellos que quieran hacer negocios con usted. Nuestros agentes bilingües de BPO están capacitados para repetir cuidadosamente la información proporcionada por el cliente para que ambas partes eviten errores costosos. En el Centro de atención telefónica de Costa Rica, nos gusta asegurarnos de que el cliente escuche sinceramente nuestra propuesta y que su capacidad de razonamiento cognitivo haya sido probada y verificada. Cada contacto que hacemos por teléfono no se considera un cliente potencial, solo se entregarán aquellos que muestren un interés real en el producto o servicio que está ofreciendo.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.



Call Center de ventas avanzadas de telemarketing.

Un guión de telemarketing cuidadosamente elaborado, junto con la capacitación motivacional del centro de atención telefónica, preparará mentalmente la personalidad de su equipo bilingüe de BPO para obtener la cantidad máxima de ventas completadas cada día. Una ventaja adicional puede marcar la diferencia en los resultados, el servicio al cliente y el crecimiento de su empresa.

Solo los agentes de BPO de Centroamérica más dedicados, ingeniosos e impulsados ​​por la resistencia serán elegidos para este proyecto nearshore más importante. El Centro de llamadas de Costa Rica solo entretendrá contratando a aquellos con las habilidades de telemarketing para manejar con éxito el rechazo con gracia, mientras que al mismo tiempo piensa fuera de la caja para hacer una venta.

Un vendedor por teléfono bilingüe que se apresura a través de un guión por temor al rechazo nunca puede igualarse por igual a uno de nuestros ejecutivos de ventas bien capacitados de nuestro centro de llamadas de América Latina. Lo representaremos a usted y a su compañía de la mejor manera cuando vendamos su producto o servicio en alta mar. El centro de llamadas de Costa Rica solo contratará a cerradores comprobados con un potencial ilimitado, punto.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.



Bilingual BPO Quality Assurance

It is very important for our clients to clearly understand the accuracy of call center QA and what is involved in order to achieve desired results. The exact method of QA is very meticulous and involves an abundant amount of testing, planning and customization of telemarketing reports. There is an extensive process of trial and error in order to highlight areas of phone skill improvement with the ability to enhance a BPO agent’s telemarketing or customer service potential on the phone. A proficient outsourcing call center quality assurance program must be consistent and repeatable in order to be effective.

Our Central American bilingual Quality Assurance (QA) program enhances the performance of your outsourcing campaign by implementing a structured and systematic monitoring of your call center agent’s phone skills. Costa Rica’s Call Center can provide for your analysis a detailed evaluation of the various aspects of your BPO nearshore project including: rhetoric, presentation, customer feedback and especially standard offshore call center metrics.

Costa Rica’s Call Center has the necessary BPO call monitoring equipment for a customized QA program. If your company has a QA system already in place and would like to expand the responsibility to our Latin American call center by outsourcing, it will be very easy process to configure your software to work with our IT Department’s servers and telemarketing equipment. By investing in offshore QA, you will have a stronger quality control of your dedicated bilingual call center telemarketers.

Costa Rica’s Call Center QA Department mentally prepares the telemarketing agents in the implementation of automated call recording systems and why it is an essential part of the agent’s professional call center growth. Every outsourced campaign establishes a unique mixture of concepts for quality monitoring followed by an intense training session to learn the process. In order for your employees to play an important role in quality improvement, they will be required to understand clearly the defined goals of your outsourced campaign and to be accountable for all their phone calls. As soon as the bilingual call center agent appreciates the fact that quality checking would enhance customer service and performance metrics, they can begin to play a more vital role when representing your company on the phone.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.




Our Costa Rica’s Call Center nearshore IT department features an integrated team of bilingual BPO technicians, creative designers, writers, programmers and marketing professionals that know everything about technologies and internet business to get online results. You will receive immediate access to Central American call center hardware and software experts and fast resolution times. We provide around-the-clock offshore network maintenance and operating software support for your business’ outsourced IT assets with a 30-minute target response time.

Outsourcing our network consulting services are just one piece of our Networking Services portfolio. We not only define strategy and high-level design, we also provide logical and physical design, implementation services and ongoing network management. Our Latin American professionals have extensive expertise with networking technology and CISCO configurations. With our complete nearshore packages, you can get hosting that includes domain name registration, e-mail addresses, web statistics, online databases, chats, online forums and scripts. Our call center will help you examine your e-business and network infrastructure.

Bilingual diversity characterizes today’s IT environments. Server, storage and network system implementations range from basic file servers to mission-critical data centers. Your technical support needs vary with your environment. Rely on Costa Rica’s Call Center for the fast, technical support required to ensure the stability and reliability of your systems.

Costa Rica’s Call Center System Support:

Network administration.

IT network specialist.

Cisco Routing and sitching.

Cisco Security.

Setup of Servers for multiple purposes.

Windows Troubleshooting.

Microsoft SQL Databases.

MySQL Databases.

Personalized software for your business.

Visual Basic, PHP, ASP, .Net.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Bilingual Call Center Focus Group Surveys

Acquiring new customers is 10 times more difficult and expensive than retaining old ones. Our carefully crafted call center surveys are used to tactfully remind your customers of the high value they are to your company. Our BPO team will identify issues that are critical to developing old customer retention and uncovering their concerns, which would prevent a loyalty factor from deteriorating. Costa Rica’s Call Center realizes that in an increasingly competitive market, returning to relationships that are more personal with customers can be a genuine competitive offshore advantage. While most companies dread an unhappy customer, we welcome all clients to vent any frustration they may have about your company or industry. By your nearshore agent’s listening very carefully, Costa Rica’s Call Center will provide you with invaluable constructive criticism that can be corrected immediately to stop potentially lost revenue and to boost customer satisfaction.

Our nearshore call center objective is to assist in creating a tailor made BPO bilingual survey to achieve all of your company’s information objectives. Your Costa Rica’s Call Center Survey team will be trained to carry out all telemarketing calls in a non-biased, no pressure tone in order to know the true feelings of your customer. The outcome will not be tainted by influencing or misdirected questions so we may obtain the correct information for your companys growth. Our Central America call center’s personal contact will generate a true first hand impression by each prospect, and we will deliver this high level of information to you for immediate action.

There are certain types of Central America bilingual surveys that are conducted that elicit information with the underlying intention of making a telemarketing sale. In this particular BPO instance, Costa Rica’s Call Center will create an increased awareness of your company’s products and services while completing the survey. The ability to provide your company with direct feedback from the customers can provide a sales force the right information to close a deal and combat any rebuttal. Help your sales force by eliminating wasted efforts on outdated, unprofitable information.

Costa Rica’s Call Center understands that self-monitoring may be unavoidable for a company. Sometimes, a discreet offshore departmental survey can be an important follow-up call to a customer that may give insight to your sales team’s telemarketing performance or which customer care representative is giving their best with a demanding client. Our nearshore call center has the ability to not only collect data for you, but we have the ability to make sense out of it, offer recommendations and understand how you compare to your toughest competition.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.



Call Center Appointment Setting

Does your nearshore company rely heavily on bilingual appointment setting for growth and profit? Do you invest a major part of your telemarketing marketing budget to make it effective? At Costa Rica’s Call Center, our Central AMERICA appointment setting service will give you an advantage before your competition can have a chance to present their product or service. We will work through and familiarize ourselves with your work schedule by utilizing a shared, easy to use online web calendar. Costa Rica’s Call Center will keep your BPO appointment machine going in order to maximize your daily sales performance and affording you well deserved down time to recharge and prepare for the next meeting.

Our offshore call center appointment setting services will take care of producing qualified meetings with many potential clients in both English and Spanish. Let our first impression turn a telemarketing cold call into a warm introduction that produces revenue and referrals for your business. Nearshore appointments are set with the decision maker only, period. Costa Rica’s Call Center will afford you the luxury of concentrating more on closing the deal at hand, while effortlessly moving on to the next warm BPO appointment that is waiting for you.

Our Costa Rica’s Call Center telemarketing agents excel in positive first impressions, great communication skills and limitless persistence on the phone. Depending on your specific nearshore appointment setting campaign, we always assign the Latin America telemarketers that are best suited for your outsourced project. As we hire and train your bilingual appointment setting telemarketer team, we particularly look for call center candidates that have the ability think on their feet while asking your predetermined qualifying questions. More importantly, extensive note taking is made during the life of the telemarketing conversation to uncover specific interests or concerns that can prove to be an invaluable tool when you enter into your first meeting. Our bilingual BPO agents have been specifically trained to ask for an appointment on every call and to report on why an appointment has been rejected for further offshore campaign analysis and strategic improvement.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.



Call Center Lead Generation

Identifying and qualifying a prospect can be an expensive and complex task. It becomes even more so if you do not have mechanisms in place to capture that information for a sale. There will always be a set of well-matched candidates for the purchase of your product or service within a larger set of poorly matched candidates that must be filtered. Since Central America bilingual sales people are typically the highest paid call center employees in an offshore organization, it makes sense to provide them pre-qualified leads so that their telemarketing production is highest by selling and not by cold calling.

The logical question is, do you personally have the time and energy to achieve new leads and reconnect with all prospects, including past and current clients? Your nearshore solution is to leave the prospecting calls to our Latin America call center so we can supply qualified hot leads, define the interest gauge of the prospect and determine the sales potential for you. Costa Rica’s Call Center assures that we will inform, pre sell and qualify each and every potential client to maximize the lead acquisition of your lists in both English and Spanish. That is our word. We go into every telemarketing call believing in a sale and if they do not end the call during the course of the BPO presentation, they may be interested and need a little more convincing. Every name costs time and money and must not be rushed off the phone or wasted. The calling lists are not extinguished on the first contact as they are worked diligently and kept current until all potential outsourced leads are in your sales rotation.

As you would expect when offshoring to a Latin America call center, a pertinent information checklist will be verified and double-checked for quality during each telemarketing phone call. This BPO strategy will increase your odds of reaching the proper person by phone and those that want to do business with you. Our bilingual BPO agents are trained to carefully repeat the information provided by the client so that both parties will avoid costly mistakes. At Costa Rica’s Call Center, we like to ensure that the client was sincerely listening to our proposal and that their cognitive reasoning ability has been tested and verified. Every contact we make on the phone is not considered a lead, only those that show a real interest in the product or service you are offering will be delivered.


The 1958 "SUPER LA CUADRA" building was transformed into a modern 3 level call center operation in Costa Rica's famous barrio of Escalante-Carmen. Fortunately, 15 walls of original brick was preserved as well as many fond memories shared by the local residents as they stroll by the amazing structure. CCC boasts the largest collection of American pinball in Costa Rica. An impressive row of 11 classic machines on free play. A gamification call center culture was created and is the only known retro video arcade game room for employees in Latin America.

The beautiful and classic 300D Mercedes Limos join the exclusive vehicle fleet of diplomatic embassies and the era's top celebrities and social elite. Now, the crown jewel for Costa Rica's Call Center.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

William Guzmán Daugherty aka :DJ Algorhythms tiene un gran piropo para C...

William Guzmán Daugherty aka:DJ Algorhythms tiene un gran piropo para COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER.

Buenas buenas

Este Cameo va para el staff del Costa Ricas Call Center, que lleva 10 años de aniversario.

Y tienen un famoso obras de arte, parque de neón, tienen el jukebox, la vellonera activada.

11 máquinas de pinball mi hermano, 50 café.

Oye, pero eso está más grade que el Google.

Y una limusina Mercedes, mi hermano, para gente VIP, oye eso está mejor que Google.

Yo voy a tener que ir aplicar a ese call center.

Bueno, muchas felicidades en sus 10 años de aniversario.

William Guzmán Daugherty aka:DJ Algorhythms has a special Latin style compliment for COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER.

The video begins on the busy streets of Chicago amongst the tall skyscrapers with a smooth, "Hello. Hello."

As the sharp Data Specialist states, " This Cameo goes to the Costa Ricas Call Center staff, who has a  10 years anniversary "

Also known as DJ Algorhythms for Cameo, he follows up his statement with another observation, " famous works of art deco, neon marquees, has the juke box and is active and alive! "

William knows a solid work life balance when he exclaims, "11 pinball machine, my brother, 50's cafe. Hey, but that's bigger than Google!" The University of Chicago Master of Science class 2018 has prepared William to know a happy work environment when he sees it.

"and a limousine Mercedez?!. My brother, for people V.IP." Obviously a smart individual knows that a good form of transpotation can make or break a solid business deal. His degree from The University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras with a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Information Systems and Applied Statistics class of 2016 sure comes in handy.

The presentation takes a strong turn as CCC is compared to one of the largest companies in the world, "Hey, that's better than Google, I'm going to have to go apply to that call center. "

The shout out concludes with a final bit of encouragement, "Well, congratulations on its 10 year anniversary."

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jordan Goggins Bryant positive opinion about COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER

"Sounds like you have an amazing set up."

Jordan Goggins-Bryant positive opinion about COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER  

The video begins with the highly animated Talent Relationship Manager at Cameo when she says, "COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER. Oh my gosh, congratulations on celebrating you ten year anniversary in business." She clearly can understand the essence of hard work and dedication in order to survive in the outsourcing industry for so many years.

The former ad sales planner at discovery, inc. knows a great work environment as she exclaimed, "Sounds like you have an amazing set up."

"I mean, you have an amazing art deco building, neon marquees, jukebox arcade with 11 pinball machines." The university of Wisconsin-Madison class 2016 graduate shows her fun side by mentioning our solid office perks to telemarketers.

Her BA journalism and strategic communication came in handy when she notices what separates the  call center CEO from the rest,"A fifty's cafe and a vintage Mercedes limousine for VIP guests." Her experience as an advertising sales assistant at food network gives us a solid recommendation.

"Like, who could want more?" Naturally, all call center environments can be stressful CCC follows through on providing the best work environment in Central America. Jordan agrees 100%.

The shout out winds down with two more positive confirmations regarding our special offshore call center culture, "Sounds like an amazing place to work. and Sounds like an amazing place to be."

The final words from Jordan as she wishes us well, "Congratulations on your 10 year."


Friday, October 4, 2019