Costa Rica's Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art telemarketing outsourcing call center located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica in Central America. Our bilingual call centers primary objective is to personally fulfill your need of key BPO call center telemarketing services. The main focus of every BPO outsourcing campaign will always be to personally educated and enhance the skills and every call center agent so that we may give superior quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies.
The Costa Rican call center outsourcing industry keeps growing that has produced a highly competitive outsourcing market with many choices depending on price and service. Our advantage, as a bilingual call center located in Costa Rica, can be clearly seen as a closer proximity to the United States, Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making an important choice on which BPO call center to use for your important project. Most importantly, if the call center software can support the needs of a client when their outsourced campaign grows? Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore when choosing where to outsource. Call center software is as important to an outsourced campaign as telemarketing training. Both areas must be reliable, secure and capable of out performing the other call centers that you are currently considering to outsource your BPO campaign.
Our niche is that Costa Ricas Call Center presents any company that has chosen to outsource a practical benefit by providing more than twice the number of extremely well trained and educated bilingual call center agents for the same money as they would be forced to spend within their local area. In addition, individuals that outsource can rightfully benefit from the international tax laws granted to international companies that invest in Costa Rica and its growing economy. The clear amount of the savings and financial benefits will make outsourcing to Costa Rica a very wise and strategic business decision on your part and for your organization.
The high demand for call center services has provided our company with an abundance of respectable resumes of qualified telemarketers that want to work with and for you. By outsourcing agents overseen by highly trained BPO managers and call center supervisors can give your business a proven method of expanding or staying in close contact with your existing customer base. Outsourcing to Costa Rica eliminates the additional pressure and invested time needed by you in order to interview, qualify, hire and train telemarketers by yourself.
In addition, unlike other large and traditional call centers situated far away in India and the Philippines, Costa Ricas Call Center stays focused on only handling up to one hundred call centers agents in one call center at a time. As soon as capacity is reached, an additional identical call center will be formed with the same structure and business plan in order to keep our call center results and expectations consistently higher than that of the competition. Our companys strategy is to take the time to handle one project at a time, in order to successfully manage quality control and analyzing each call center agents phone technique and presentation. Your outsourced campaign deserves a strong commitment to continue an optimistic employee self-confidence so each call center agent continues to make a difference and have create value to your company.
Costa Rica has a very solid infrastructure , stable democratic government, very competitive labor costs and a call center job pool that is especially familar to the North American culture. Many of the offshore call center agents used today are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is very difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more beneficial and clearly a practical solution as a second language for potentially large untapped markets t throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language. This aspect alone has made Costa Rica a very attractive near-shore outsourcing solution Call chttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifenter jobs are some of the top paying career opportunities in Costa Rica. This differs greatly from other countries that consider it as a starting position in a dead end company. Turnover at these other locations are five to ten times more than in Costa Rica.
We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.