In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.
Outsourcing and call center inbound calls with Costa Rica’s Call Center makes for a great combination in the BPO outsourcing industry.
Our bilingual call center philosophies, coupled with strictly adhered to outsourcing polices and strategies, helps to create a high quality level of experience to the caller into our customer service center.
Every outsourced inbound call that enters the Costa Rican call center is judged for quality control and studied for maximum effectiveness for your BPO campaign, while striving to meet the customer relationship goals. Costa Rica’s Call Center Call inbound calls are capable in delivering immediate value to the customer and profit to the North American organization that decides to pursue outsourcing jobs in Costa Rica.
Call center inbound calls can be directed to many different departments throughout the Costa Rican call center. A bilingual call center agent’s responsibility is to deal with building and maintaining customer relationships on every single call center inbound phone call. This can include IT, billing, invoicing, advertising, finance, marketing, services planning, maintenance and manufacturing. All outsourced call center inbound calls are affected by the client’s own organization and their relationship with suppliers, vendors and distributors. All operating procedures in our call center must be aligned with the North American company’s established practice to ensure a seamless transition of inbound customer service calls.
Call center inbound calls can be measured by several metrics known as key performance indicators that properly grade the performance of the bilingual call center agent and the entire outsourcing organization.
In comparison of using us to any other Costa Rican call center agent, they may answer an inbound call and just haphazardly read from a script, giving the impression that may not sound as sincere or genuine and may result in an upset customer. If a customer requires speaking with a call center supervisor or manager, non-expert call center operators will receive the inbound call and may improperly screen the caller to determine where to transfer the call and how to best confront the situation before escalation. When a call center agent is incompetent, untrained and incapable of fulfilling customers' requests effectively, the outsourced inbound call campaign solution will not be as effective as one that has policies and procedures in place, like Costa Rica’s Call Center.
Call center inbound calls at an overseas location in the Far East or Asia with language and accent problems can greatly affect your call center’s inbound call campaign success. More call center solutions located in India and the Philippines are very professional and cost effective, yet lack the ability to properly handle inbound customer service calls or outbound telemarketing campaigns in both English and Spanish. This aspect alone can impede your organization’s growth into untapped Latino markets through out the Americas or utilizing a familiar accent shared by many North Americans.
Outsourcing to call centers have seen many customers complain when they make an inbound call into a call center and are immediately sent into an automated queuing system that sometimes result in excessively long hold times. Many inbound call center experiences are prone to frustration and unresolved issues that can result in revenue loss and less customer retention.
Outsourcing call center inbound calls to an organized bilingual Costa Rican center will eliminate the complaints that departments of call centers do not engage in communication with one another. The opportunity to assist a client during an inbound call lessens the chance of it being ruined by an unprepared call center agent.
Outsourcing call center management have produced several ways to improve call center inbound calls. The first call center solution would be to confront the common criticisms from call center staff and address them immediately for a mutually beneficial resolution.
Since Costa Rica’s Call Center agents are closely scrutinized by call center management via frequent random call monitoring, they are ensured of improving their inbound call customer service skills. An innovative call center solution which helps to increase employee morale and their call techniques is to offer a solid pay check and the potential of well deserved bonuses if they comply with the Costa Rican call center’s quality control and performance levels. An effective call center outsourcing solution in Costa Rica is to have strictly adhered to outsourcing work practices and BPO procedures. This will require call center agents to follow a pre-written inbound call script so that all inbound calls are identical and the quality remains high for the customer and call center client.
In today's outsourcing world it is becoming more difficult to find top quality customer service. In most cases with call center inbound calls, you get a call center agent on the phone who sounds as if they don't care about the customer’s needs, are not properly trained and have a strong accent that is very difficult to understand. Costa Rica’s Call Center agent’s pride themselves on using a pleasant speaking voice on every inbound customer service call. In addition, Costa Rican call center agents have been noted for their strong command of correct English. Call center telemarketing training focuses on the fact that from the moment you receive an inbound call and are speaking with an individual with whom you have no rapport, you speak clearly, slowly and use proper grammar.
Call center inbound calls are judged immediately by the initial greeting. All Costa Rica’s Call Center agents are trained to greet the inbound caller with respect and attentiveness. This highly professional inbound call greeting does three things for the bilingual call center agent; it thanks the customer immediately, it introduces you and it offers your assistance for whatever they called in about. With proper attention to detail, a call center inbound call can produce more clients and increase the outsourcing company’s bottom line. Another import aspect of an inbound call is to have the call center agent be as knowledgeable as possible with the outsourced campaign. One call center solution to increase the agent’s knowledge base is by reading about the client’s product and/or company prior to starting the campaign as well as updating their knowledge between taking inbound customer service calls. It is not good to only use the time that the call center agents is "on the clock" to perfect their craft. This simple call center solution will boost the confidence of the call center agent and will make the call center inbound call go even more smoothly.
We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanoes or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.