Wednesday, October 21, 2015



Our new video arcade room has given CCC another strong gust of wind in our sails. Costa Rica's Call Center will continue to reward our amazing staff by a pace of 1 new arcade machine per 44 new telemarketing agents hired and hitting their monthly quota.The best employee bonding activity is a video arcade game room. Company satisfaction is at a high with a cool break room.Today, CCC firmly stands behind having our call center employees experience the authentic arcade sounds, sights and real time retro competition.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

great corporate environment run by generous owners.

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The employee satisfaction solution for a strong push at work is to incorporate a real retro arcade game room in Central American call centers.Company culture built around a employee game room.  Gamification for the motivated customer service staff will assist their mind and body to hit the phones and assist clients. CCC is known in Costa Rica as offering the best free play employee break room ideas. Proving a solid ROI on a large company expense for company retro arcade recreation, the call center staff has enjoyed a spike in engagement, increased online praise and a flattering local reputation in Central America as a great corporate environment run by generous owners.Morale is at an all time high when breaking the ice with new staff.The company executive Human Resources Department was intent on a motivational engagement break room by combining gamification and a top grade free play.Company employee game room requires the same amount of down time to focus and recharge.


plAy a game vs. lighting up.

That is a fact in the outsourcing industry in Costa Rica. In addition to increased company loyalty and satisfaction, the attendance rate is at a relative high for industry call center standards through a top grade game room.  The implementation of the motivational ideas regarding gamification produces positive resultsCCC promotes the best employee environment.BEST BOSS BUYS VIDEO GAME ROOM FOR EMPLOYEES. Positive company break room designs can drop the standard call center attrition rate dramatically. Employees that work in telemarketing and customer service  may burn out after a period of time.  Our company has cracked the code regarding a healthy alternate than chain smoking outside during break times. Our call center executive staff have noted that once a professional telemarketer leaves the free play game room, they feel recharged and happy. From a scent perspective, the smokers do not emit an odor of tobacco that carries on the calling floor if they plAy a game vs. lighting up.


The "FREE PLAY" arcade machines

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Our CCC call center wants to bring a top rated employee break room back into a call center environment for increased employee satisfaction. Finally, happy staff can use company gamification to grow past our 440 agent limit at our current company location on Paseo Colon, San Jose.Video arcade games during the 1980s allowed anyone in Costa Rica to enjoy an authentic machine. A shiny 100 colones coin would be placed the machine's marquee to hold their place in line. Each future telemarketer of CCC was shooting for the high score on Asteroids or Pac Man and enjoyed every game played. Every member of our company organization may have unlimited employee fun in our company video game room. The "FREE PLAY" arcade machines for CCC Central America employees is a big hit and continues to gain momentum


CCC telemarketers are able to function better by structuring their break times around a more productive activity than checking their email, text messaging or having a cigarette.The most common reaction from the agents is that they are "letting off steam".

CCC personally challenges all business owners to incorporate a video arcade within their establishment and not to charge a cent.It is obvious that we take care of our employee's well mental state while bonding through other mediums besides long meetings or just traditional work place activities that produce average telemarketing results.Many people in the outsourcing call center industry will question the distraction ratio, loss production or adverse effects towards an arcade game room. Well, the risk of an arcade game room was definitely worth the reward to CCC.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Game Room Ideas For Office Staff Slideshow Slideshow

Game Room Ideas For Office Staff Slideshow Slideshow: TripAdvisor™ TripWow Game Room Ideas For Office Staff Slideshow Slideshow to San Jose. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor

The employee satisfaction solution for a strong push at work is to incorporate a real retro arcade game room in Central America.CALL CENTER bilingual telemarketing requires the same amount of down time focus and recharge. Gamification for the agents will assist their mind and body to hit the phones. CCC is known in Costa Rica as offering the best employee break room.



BEST OFFICE EMPLOYEE GAME ROOM Photo Slideshow | free to download - id: 7d950b-NTU3Z

The "FREE PLAY" arcade machines for CCC Central America employees.Without question, CCC has the best gaming toys in a LATIN AMERICAN outsourced Telemarketing Company.The proud owner of CCC, Richard Blank, firmly believes that the more an agent stays away from their virtual cell phone world; the more they will increase their interpersonal relationship building among other BPO employees.Every member of CCC may have unlimited fun in our call center video game room.