15 SEAT CALL CENTER AGENT outsourcing campaigns at Costa Rica's Call center.
Our Central America Call Center provides an intimate telemarketing or customer service space for less distraction and enhanced privacy.
Movable walls can provide the necessary space to separate several dozen Latin America Call Center agents from the rest of the floor.
Call Center supervisor stations will always be available for proper monitoring and BPO campaign structures. Our top management team is always observing new methods, ideas and tools in order to improve our effectiveness and ready to identify and work out a problem area in a campaign. Costa Rica's Call Center is constantly implementing new and improved BPO call center strategies while refining older telemarketing techniques that work.
Costa Rica's Call Center's can comfortably fit 250 customer service work stations.
Our Central America Call Center Agents have the luxury of fresh air, natural light, vaulted ceilings, tropical plants, custom made pine wood BPO stations and high powered air conditioning units to make their work environment as enriching as possible.
The Latin America Call Center industry has given companies a competitive business advantage by providing more than twice the number of highly trained and educated bilingual call center staff for the same price as you would pay within your local area for one higher paid and less well trained call center agent.
The call center customer service work station rows were set up specifically for close monitoring by the BPO campaign supervisors and telemarketing project managers.
All call center flat screen monitors are completely visible from every angle to ensure that every Latin America Call Center agent on a phone call is working up to speed and call center supervisors can Effectively do their job for your project.
Money will always motivate call center employees. In Costa Rica, call center jobs are high-paying, highly sought-after jobs in comparison to other vocations. Most of the telemarketing jobs leaving the United States are for positions and salaries many North Americans snub. Our bilingual call center agents will make a consistent, effective contribution to the campaigns success in order to insure that their paycheck continues.