Friday, January 12, 2024

In The Biz Podcast By Tany Mujikwa. Interview with “The Sales Extraordin...

This Podcast was designed to be outlet for anyone that works in the Service Industry! We may not always have the opportunity to speak our minds when we are on the clock, so this podcast is our opportunity to kick back and let loose (Without getting fired!). In this Podcast we discuss current events and day to day, through the lens of the everyday folk. Your bartenders, your strippers, cooks, etc.... we represent You!So kick back, relax, and answer one simple questions for us. In The Biz is the premier service industry podcast where we share our stories and teach people about the ins and outs of the service industry. Along the way, we also interview the best in the biz.In the service industry, we keep the world moving and nobody knows us like US. We aim to help you navigate the industry so you can make some extra cash and keep your sanity while doing it!If you like this video, subscribe to the channel and make sure you hit that notification bell so you won't miss another video. Richard Blank “The Sales Extraordinaire” joins the show! He shares some of his expertise in the world of sales. He was also kind enough to give us a peek into the brand new restaurant he opened for his staff members! What a boss!! Check out the episode today! “In The Biz” platform mission is to provide people with the knowledge they need to be successful in and out of the service industry. In creating The Biz platform, founder Tany Mujikwa saw a need for this type of resource. He has extreme experience in every aspect of the service industry and saw firsthand how difficult it could be to navigate it, especially without the know-how of how the industry truly works. Tany Mujikwa, the founder of In The Biz, has over 15 years of experience in the customer service industry. With this wealth of experience, Tany has created a platform that helps individuals learn about various aspects of the service industry. Tany Mujikwa started the podcast with a couple of his friends as simply a way to vent about the day-to-day struggles people face in the service industry. This podcaster discusses industry topics and highlight businesses and individuals making a difference in the world. When Tany Mujikwa started his podcast, In The Biz, he had no idea its impact on people’s lives. He soon realized that he was making a difference in the world by building a community around his show. Tany Mujikwa, the founder of ITB, decided to transition into making it not just a brand but also a platform that would help people manage their careers in the service industry. Tany’s experience in the service industry inspired him to create this much-needed resource for others. According to Tany Mujikwa, “My friend says I’m an awesome teacher and communicator. I have heard this since the 6th grade. Truthfully speaking, It would be selfish If I only focused on my success and neglected to use my natural gifts to help other people. I was built and born to be a coach. That is why I started ITB. I wanted to help others like me get a better hold on the service industry to accelerate their careers.”