Showing posts with label costa rica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costa rica. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The significance of unlimited patience when time is of the essence

Our Costa Rica’s Call Center Virtual Executive Assistants are taught to offer empathy for your demanding work and mounting responsibilities. We would like to alleviate your pressure by lending support in carrying out all of your required tasks. Your own dependable and well-trained virtual receptionist expects to work under stress, time constraints and understanding the significance of unlimited patience when time is of the essence. Our call center can handle everything from sending emails, resetting engagements and making your travel reservations. All you have to do is let us be familiar with what you need done for that day.

Nuestros asistentes ejecutivos virtuales de Costa Rica’s Call Center son entrenados a ofrecer empatía en lugar de las exigentes responsabilidades de su trabajo. Quisiéramos aliviar su presión prestando ayuda en la realización de todas sus tareas requeridas. Su propio confiable recepcionista virtual bien entrenado espera trabajar bajo tensión, límite de tiempo y entender el significado de la paciencia ilimitada cuando el tiempo apremia. Nuestro centro de atención telefónico puede manejar todo, desde enviar email, reajustar compromisos y hacer sus reservaciones de viaje. Todo lo que ustedes deben hacer dejarnos familiarizarnos con lo que ustedes necesitan hacer para ese día.

Every calling list contains several well qualified candidates.

Lead generation

Generación principal

Recognizing and qualifying a potential customer can be a costly and intricate task. It will increase if a company does not have systems in place to uncover the specific information for a completed sale. Every calling list contains several well qualified candidates to invest in your company within a larger group of unqualified candidates that has to be filtered. The logical question is, do you personally have the extra time and patience to attain fresh leads and reconnect with all prospects, as well as past and current customers? Your answer is to outsource all of your phone calls with our call center, so we will be able to supply an abundant amount of qualified hot leads. Our phone calls will classify the interest level of the customer and find out the sales potential for you.

El reconocimiento y la calificación de un cliente potencial pueden ser tareas costosas y complejas lo cual aumentará si una compañía no tiene los sistemas para descubrir la información específica para una venta finalizada. Cada lista de llamadas contiene varios candidatos bien capacitados para invertir en su compañía dentro de un grupo más grande de candidatos no idóneos que deben ser filtrados. ¿La pregunta lógica es, tienen ustedes realmente el tiempo extra y la paciencia para obtener datos frescos y para volver a conectar con todos los clientes potenciales, antiguos clientes y clientes actuales? Su respuesta es contratar de forma externa todas sus llamadas de teléfono con nuestro centro de atención telefónico para así poder suministrar una abundante cantidad de datos frescos. Nuestras llamadas de teléfono clasificarán el nivel del interés del cliente y descubrirán el potencial de ventas para usted.

Costa Rica’s Call Center guarantees that we will qualify, inform and pre sell each and every prospective customer in order to increase the lead acquisition of your calling lists in both English and Spanish. We start every phone call thinking of a sale and if the customer does not hang up throughout the duration of the presentation, they may still need a little more convincing or explanation. Each phone call costs our client’s time and money and should not be hurried off the phone or exhausted. The qualified calling lists are not extinguished on the initial call as they are worked meticulously and kept up to date until all probable leads are entered into your sales rotation. Given that sales executives are usually the most compensated non-executive employees in an organization, it is logical to supply them as many pre-qualified leads as possible so that their conversion rate is highest by selling to interested customers and not by cold calling random phone numbers.

Costa Rica’s Call Center garantiza que calificaremos, informaremos y pre-venderemos a cada cliente para aumentar la adquisición de sus listas de clientes potenciales en inglés y español. Comenzamos cada llamada de teléfono pensando en una venta y si el cliente no cuelga durante la presentación, pueden todavía necesitar un poco más de convencimiento o explicación. Cada llamada de teléfono cuesta tiempo y dinero a nuestros clientes y no debe ser apresurada o agotada. Las listas de llamadas calificadas no se extinguen en la llamada inicial al trabajarlas meticulosamente y se mantienen actualizadas hasta que todos los clientes potenciales se incorporen en la rotación de ventas. Dado que los ejecutivos de ventas son generalmente los empleados mayormente compensados sin cargo ejecutivo de una organización, es lógico suministrarlas tantas listas de clientes potenciales preseleccionadas como sea posible de modo que su índice de conversión sea el más alto al vender a los clientes interesados y no por llamadas en frío a números de teléfono al azar.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The quality of your customer support

Customer Care

El Cuidado del cliente

At Costa Rica’s Call Center, we are certain that making a high quality customer service phone call is more rational than stopping a phone call before a conclusion in order to achieve a department’s quota. Our call center specifically educates our agents to be persistent, ask multiple closing questions and suggesting all options available. Most importantly, taking the most direct route toward the conclusion of each interaction. A courteous thank you for the customer‘s time is obligatory and is expected on every phone call despite the outcome. Your clients will be thankful to you for not decreasing the quality of your customer support.

En el centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica, estamos seguros que hacer una llamada de teléfono del servicio de atención al cliente de alta calidad es más racional que detener una llamada de teléfono antes de que concluya para alcanzar la cuota de un departamento. Nuestro centro de atención telefónica educa específicamente a nuestros agentes para ser persistentes, hacer preguntas cerradas múltiples y sugerir todas las opciones disponibles. Más importante aun, tomar la ruta más directa hacia la conclusión de cada interacción. Un cortés agradecimiento por el tiempo del cliente es obligatorio y se espera en cada llamada de teléfono a pesar del resultado. Sus clientes estarán agradecidos con usted por no disminuir la calidad de su atención al cliente.

We unmistakably comprehend the significance of minimizing handling time on the phone while continuing to offering outstanding customer service. A comprehensive study of diverse phone call lengths will be performed and the outcome will be sent to you immediately for review. Costa Rica’s Call Center would like for you to feel comfortable knowing that your Customer Care agents are organized and well managed. This system will enable you to concentrate on areas of your business that demand extra time and your personal attention.

Inequívocamente comprendemos el significado de reducción del tiempo en el manejo del teléfono mientras que continuamos ofreciendo un servicio de atención al cliente excepcional. Un estudio completo de la duración de diversas llamadas telefónicas será realizado y el resultado les será enviado inmediatamente para su estudio. El centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica quisiera que ustedes se sientan cómodos sabiendo que los agentes del servicio al cliente están organizados y bien dirigidos. Este sistema le permitirá concentrarse en las áreas de su negocio que exigen más tiempo así de como su atención personal.

Prepare our team of agents for your campaign

Finding your need

Encontrando su necesidad

Our goal is to understand exactly what you are looking for and your specific outsourcing business needs. At Costa Rica’s Call Center, we are trained to ask you a series of selective questions to better prepare our team of agents for your campaign. Every small detail is very important and must be taken into consideration.. We want you not to feel rushed. Feel free to take your time when explaining your objectives and goals. We listen carefully to all of your concerns and ideas. At our call center, we do not use a generic format that is used every client that contacts us. By doing so, would be a huge disservice to your time and to your company’s outsourcing campaign. At Costa Rica’s Call Center , every new client is deemed as unique and warrants their own custom made campaign program.

Nuestra meta es entender exactamente qué busca y su necesidad específica de negocio. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, estamos entrenados para hacerle una serie de preguntas selectivas y así preparar mejor a nuestro equipo de agentes para su campaña. Cada pequeño detalle es muy importante y se debe tomar en consideración. No queremos que tenga una sensación de apremio. Siéntase libre de tomar su tiempo al explicar sus objetivos y metas. Escuchamos cuidadosamente todas sus preocupaciones e ideas. En nuestro centro de atención telefónico, no utilizamos un formato genérico que se utiliza en cada cliente que nos llama. Si lo hiciéramos, sería un deservicio enorme a su tiempo y a la campaña de contratación externa de su compañía. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, cada cliente nuevo es considerado único que se merece su propio programa de campaña específico.

Ability to handle the communication for all call center departments

Grace Borbon - Chief Information Officer

Grace Borbón – Gerente de Información

Grace Borbon is the Chief Information Officer in Costa Rica’s Call Center. Ms.Borbon knows that her discipline, accountability and reliable structure are assets to the call center’s top management.

Grace Borbón es la Gerente de Información de Costa Rica’s Call Center. La señora Borbón sabe que su disciplina, responsabilidad y estructura confiable son ventajas a la gerencia del centro de atención telefónica.

Ms. Borbon shines in her awareness to detail and her ability to handle the communication for all call center departments and Costa Rican governmental agencies. Starting in 1991, Ms. Borbon represented many international organizations, including Caterpillar International as a bilingual secretary and an executive assistant. In 2001, Ms. Borbon was hired by Cafe Britt, Costa Rica's most famous coffee exporter. During her four years with the company, she exhibited leadership in extensive public relations and lead the company in high end retail sales before joining Costa Rica’s Call Center. Ms.Borbon has advanced studies in the fields of English, Psychology, Genealogy, and Executive Administration.

La señora Borbón brilla por sus detalles y su capacidad de manejar la comunicación para todos los departamentos del centro de atención telefónico y agencias gubernamentales de Costa Rica. Comenzando en 1991, la Señora Borbón representó muchas organizaciones internacionales, incluyendo Caterpillar International como secretaria ejecutiva bilingüe y asistente ejecutiva. En 2001, la Señora Borbón fue contratada por Café Britt, el exportador de café más famoso de Costa Rica. Durante sus cuatro años con la compañía, ella exhibió liderazgo en relaciones públicas extensas y llevó a la compañía a ventas al por menor de altas antes de unirse a Costa Rica’s Call Center. La Señora Borbón tiene estudios avanzados en los campos del inglés, psicología, genealogía, y administración ejecutiva.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Operational Excellence

People First – Philosophy that both the customer and the agent come “first”

Cross Site coordination with Client, Account Management and Operations

“Metrics that Matter” systematic management and Performance improvement plans developed by Team and Agent via SMART coaching and planning

Focus Groups

Scorecard Driven reporting

Quality driven Analytics

Staffing and Scheduling

CCC Team dedicated

The existing CCC staffing intelligence based on business need will be leveraged and schedules implemented accordingly

Cross site staffing support will continue

The team in Costa Rica are all full time employees

Night shift premium and overtime regulations will apply

All agents are salaried as per Costa Rica Labor law


Close proximity to North America

Politically stable

Established infrastructure

95% literacy rate—Over 9,300 educational institutions; public education is free and mandatory

Tax laws favorable to international companies looking to invest

Expected implementation of a free trade agreement with the U.S. and related laws that are opening up the economy to more competition Every day, there are approximately 30 different passenger flights from Costa Rica to the US and Canada


Redundant fiber optic submarine cables

Satellite and terrestrial microwave network in place to meet the demand of and lines, mobile and Internet services

New multinational suppliers are entering the market, providing private networks, Internet and mobile phone services

93% of electricity is generated from renewable sources (hydroelectric, Electricity, geothermal and wind)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nuestras lecciones altamente desarrolladas de telemercadeo

Una prueba obligatoria a la conclusión de cada clase de entrenamiento es esencial para asegurarse de que sus agentes de telemercadeo están familiarizados con nuestra estructura y que tienen una comprensión tangible de la información de su compañía. Su información de campaña junto con una retórica avanzada conlleva a un mínimo de dos exámenes escritos y orales que serán pasados por todos los agentes del centro de atención telefónico antes de hacer una llamada de teléfono. Tan pronto como las clases de entrenamiento se acerquen a su final, numerosas llamadas de prueba les serán hechas a ustedes para autorizar el guión y la capacidad del agente de representar a su compañía. Costa Rica's Call Center controla cada clase de entrenamiento en un ambiente bajo de tensión. Nuestra experiencia ha demostrado que es esencial construir un nivel de comodidad con nuestros procedimientos antes de trabajar por sí mismos. En esta fase, sus agentes tienen que estar tranquilos para manejar los temas rápidamente antes de permitirles hacer una sola llamada de teléfono para su campaña. Cuanto más pronto sus agentes toman una llamada, más aprisa desarrollarán su curvatura de aprendizaje y reducirán su tiempo de preparación.

En Costa Rica's Call Center, estamos tan seguros de nuestra habilidad que estamos preparados para revelar una pequeña muestra de nuestra instrucción para la persona inquisitiva. Nuestras lecciones altamente desarrolladas de telemercadeo son altamente clasificadas por nuestra amplia comprensión de la comunicación interpersonal, manejo de conflictos y fonética. Les animamos a descubrir porqué Costa Rica's Call Center se coloca junto a los mejores en técnicas de la comunicación para teleoperadores de Costa Rica.

El guión del telemercadeo de su campaña será movido a una segunda hoja identificada como mapa de llamada para una sencilla navegación e instrucción. Nuestro centro de atención telefónico promueve el uso de un organigrama para acentuar los puntos decisivos de la conversación y los objetivos bien conocidos para la duración de un diálogo controlado. El reconocer tan pronto como hagan una pregunta inteligente se utiliza sistemáticamente y es vital en la animación de la conversación. Al usar el silencio como técnica, su agente puede ser sensible en el teléfono. Las pausas significativas intencionales se integran en nuestra venta y se enfatizan en el mapa de llamada como ayuda para animar la inclusión del cliente.

Durante el primer día de entrenamiento, nuestros nuevos agentes comienzan con nuestra especializada programación de sistemas temprano (ESP, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta técnica en particular entrenará a sus agentes a aumentar su nivel personal de pasión, persistencia y conducta. Los numerosos teleoperadores intrépidos al principio exhiben una curiosidad en las llamadas frías. Sin embargo, no cada persona tiene la aptitud a ser un teleoperador experto. Un individuo puede ser extremadamente intelectual según una clasificación más tradicional, aun así poco entusiasta al dar esta inteligencia a ciertas campañas de telemercadeo.

La psicología del telemercadeo será el primer tema cubierto. La psique del agente se debe centrar en cómo superar una respuesta negativa y descubrir una resistencia física para hacer un mínimo de ocho horas de llamadas por teléfono de telemercadeo de calidad cada día. La aprehensión de cada agente de telemercadeo será enfrentada sinceramente y resuelta con empatía. Se habla para evitar la frustración la cual será observada de cerca en cada agente. Este importante estudio eliminará a todos los derrotistas mientras animamos a los agentes que se quedarán en su compañía. En Costa Rica's Call Center, no somos duros con nuestros agentes, los elegimos y entrenamos cuidadosamente para trabajar arduamente para hacer que su campaña de contratación externa de telemercadeo sea muy exitosa.

Nuestro centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica abarca todas las fases fundamentales del entrenamiento. Nuestros encargados tienen el entusiasmo para entrenar y moldear nuevo talento mientras que construyen el sentido de dignidad y confianza del agente. A menudo, contratamos a agentes que han sido teleoperadores para otros centros de atención telefónicos. No obstante, nos sentimos obligados a instruirlos en nuestras técnicas, propietarias de su campaña de contratación externa. Es vital estudiar las clases de entrenamiento que ustedes requerirán antes de que comencemos sus llamadas. El centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica les proveerá a ustedes de un cuestionario integral que debe ser completado antes de la preparación de las clases. Los tiempos de preparación serán ajustados dependiendo del grado y de complejidad de su campaña.

El tema de la fonética se habla con frecuencia y se anima a estudiar hacia la maestría. Nuestro centro de atención telefónica siempre graba las llamadas de práctica que se hacen en cada entrenamiento e incluirán estilos desde el nivel uno (llamada fácil) al nivel cinco (refutación directa). Un examen del resultado de una lista de control completa evaluará el tono del agente, inflexión, modulación, duración, pausa, entrega y el tiempo al hacer preguntas abiertas con respuesta obligatoria. Al grabar en una cinta de video una llamada de teléfono en curso se incluirá un estudio similar de la fonética además de la comunicación no verbal. Esto demostrará ser importante al entender cómo la posición de cuerpo, las expresiones faciales, el uso de las manos como ilustrador y movimiento físico, pueden ayudar considerablemente la voz y la proyección del sonido. Los agentes de telemercadeo deben ser espectadores en cuanto a entender cuáles son los cambios mentales necesarios. Una manera excelente de hacer una tentativa inmediata de auto-mejora es por medio de las propias críticas del agente. Al auto evaluarse se reflejan en un agente los puntos fuertes y débiles, lo cual puede ser el secreto en hacer que sus agentes de telemercadeo estén entre los más expertos en el negocio de la contratación externa.

expandir su negocio con un plan de comercialización

En Costa Rica’s Call Center, su primera consulta no será manejada por un ejecutivo de cuenta, sino por el Presidente mismo, Richard Blank. Después de un análisis profundo y de una comprensión clara de sus objetivos de negocio, nuestro centro de atención telefónico comenzará a alinear su campaña con nuestros servicios. El propósito principal en su llamada inicial es recibir consejo y concluir por ustedes mismos si la contratación externa con nuestro centro de atención telefónico es necesaria para su creciente compañía. Aun más importante, ver si tiene sentido lógico y financiero hoy.

Nuestra meta es entender exactamente qué busca y su necesidad específica de negocio. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, estamos entrenados para hacerle una serie de preguntas selectivas y así preparar mejor a nuestro equipo de agentes para su campaña. Cada pequeño detalle es muy importante y se debe tomar en consideración. No queremos que tenga una sensación de apremio. Siéntase libre de tomar su tiempo al explicar sus objetivos y metas. Escuchamos cuidadosamente todas sus preocupaciones e ideas. En nuestro centro de atención telefónico, no utilizamos un formato genérico que se utiliza en cada cliente que nos llama. Si lo hiciéramos, sería un deservicio enorme a su tiempo y a la campaña de contratación externa de su compañía. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, cada cliente nuevo es considerado único que se merece su propio programa de campaña específico.

Costa Rica’s Call Center puede proveeer muchos servicios de contratación externa cualquier tamaño de presupuesto. ¿Cuál es una cantidad razonable de capitolio para que su compañía comience una campaña de contratación externa? Tan pronto como nuestros esfuerzos produzcan altos resultados, debemos considerar un presupuesto más grande de contratación externa, si lo desean, para aumentar el crecimiento de su compañía.

Estamos determinados en construir una relación laboral a largo plazo con su compañía que beneficie a todos. Nuestro objetivo principal es ayudar expandir su negocio con un plan de comercialización bien preparado que tenga sentido a su rédito, punto. En el centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica, estamos convencidos de que ustedes estarán satisfechos con los resultados y trabajarán con nosotros en campañas futuras.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Offshore BPO business conditions are stable and secure in Costa Rica. There are many other Latin American countries that offer bilingual call center support with much lower levels of working conditions and unstable governments. Our unique Costa Rican Call Center offers the highest quality, college educated, dedicated agent support for wages that are 40%-80% lower than the United States while offering top wages compared to other vocations in Central America. Fortunately, the increased growth of the nearshore outsourcing industry has supplied our clients with plenty of English speakers attuned to the needs of the North American market.

Costa Rica is the new "in" location for "near-shoring." The peaceful country has a population of about 4 million people, the region's oldest democracy, political stability, infrastructure and an impressive 95% literacy rate. A lucrative Free Trade Agreement with the United States has companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Hewlett Packard , Amazon and Intel making substantial investments in Costa Rican outsourcing contact centers. After a solid track record of BPO performance and metrics, CCC ranks behind powerhouses such as India and China as one of the most competitive offshore outsourcing destinations offering high-paying, highly sought-after bilingual customer service and telemarketing jobs.

Global competitive pressures and international recession fears are forcing United States corporations to lower their costs and to explore offshore business options. Today, many organizations feel that it is necessary to do nearshore outsourcing just to remain competitive. After careful analysis, many companies have now expanded their operations in Costa Rica . It is attractive in terms of cost, breadth of capabilities, skilled labor pool, Spanish marketing capabilities and a fun destination to visit your outsourcing partner.

Friday, January 27, 2012


As you would expect when offshoring to a Latin America call center, a pertinent information checklist will be verified and double-checked for quality during each telemarketing phone call. This BPO strategy will increase your odds of reaching the proper person by phone and those that want to do business with you.

Our bilingual BPO agents are trained to carefully repeat the information provided by the client so that both parties will avoid costly mistakes. At Costa Rica's Call Center, we like to ensure that the client was sincerely listening to our proposal and that their cognitive reasoning ability has been tested and verified. Every contact we make on the phone is not considered a lead, only those that show a real interest in the product or service you are offering will be delivered.

An organization that decides to outsource jobs can use an outsourcing agreement as a catalyst for major step changes that cannot be achieved alone. Fortunately, the outsourcer evolves into a change agent in the process and becomes one with the client. The acceleration of the development or production of a product and service through the additional capability brought by the call center can be limitless through the emergence into the Latino market and others.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA leads the industry in standardizing business processes, outsourcing advanced IT Services and bilingual customer service application services, enabling businesses to intelligently grow at a reduced price. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center allows a wide range of small to medium sized businesses access to outsourcing services previously only available to large corporations as recent ly as a few years ago.

Smaller companies may succumb to customer pressure and will reduce their customer retention. Customers may see benefits in dealing with call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA and would be very happy with the performance of certain elements of the call center. While they may not see a solution locally, they may accept this through outsourcing. The immediate result will allow organizations to be free to focus on their core business achieving much required competence, leaving non-core responsibilities to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA has received favorable public opinions regarding outsourcing. The main recommendation about LATIN AMERICAn call centers is that outsourcing helps a local labor market thereby helping small businesses survive recessions and as well as a growth spurt. BPO outsourcing is the transfer of the delivery of services which affects both customer service jobs and bilingual individuals when companies decided to compete globally. It is clear that outsourcing has a positive effect on individuals abroad who face job vacancies and employment security. However, call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA supporters believe that outsourcing brings down prices and provides greater economic benefit to each company that decides to outsource jobs to LATIN AMERICA.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA immediately lowers the overall cost of that service to any business.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call center works closely with clients to define clearly the definition of quality levels anticipated for the call center TELEMARKETERS through closely examined cost re-structuring.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA helps companies gain access to lower cost economies through “near-shoring.” Business process outsourcing to a call center can be described as a labor arbitrage generated by the large wage gap between industrialized and developing nations. LATIN AMERICA has a prime advantage by offering highly trained and skilled bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS for a fraction of the price companies would pay within their local market.
In the area of call centers, top level end-user-experience has deemed to be of higher quality when a service is outsourced to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. This is enhanced when outsourcing is combined with off-shoring to regions where the first language and culture are different yet, attuned to the North American market. This unquestionable quality is particularly evident when bilingual call centers that service the public are outsourced to LATIN AMERICA. There is a perception among the general American public that find the linguistics features in LATIN AMERICA such as accents, word use and phraseology similar, make call center TELEMARKETERS in our call center easier to understand.

There are a few types of jobs that are generally outsourced by most companies. Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA is most well-known for its advanced bilingual telemarketing and first class customer service. The future of outsourcing in LATIN AMERICA is highly affected by globalization. As the world becomes figuratively smaller, call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA is the way international companies do business within the Latino and Anglo-Saxon markets.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA focuses on cost restructuring to increase the bottom line of a corporation deciding to outsource jobs to a call center. Companies that study outsourcing operating costs take into consideration the difference between fixed costs to variable costs. BPO Outsourcing to a LATIN AMERICAn call center dramatically changes the balance of this ratio by offering a shift to variable from fixed cost and also by making variable costs more predictable when staffing growth. Instead of investing in more local personnel, additional office space and human resources work, Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA can make the transition seamless and turnkey when the need is for bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS in the growing and more competitive global economy.

By outsourcing to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center a company will possibly see an immediate improvement in customer service levels and professionalism through a new and clearly defined service level agreement. Every outsourced campaign is tailored to fulfill the expectations of the client. All call center TELEMARKETERS will have immediate access to intellectual property; receive extensive advanced product training while increasing their experience and knowledge of the company and the campaign they will be working on. Call center TELEMARKETERS must be an extension of the home office with all of the skills necessary to properly manage a BPO campaign in LATIN AMERICA. This may be due to the process of initially implementing proper objective measurement and accurate reporting followed by home office protocol.

Operational expertise when outsourcing to a bilingual call center in LATIN AMERICA grants access to highly structured operational “best practices” that may be too difficult or time consuming to develop in-house as a company grows. The most challenging aspect when hiring call center TELEMARKETERS would be considered staffing issues. Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA prides itself by providing a larger talent pool of highly trained bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS that possess a sustainable source of skills which will enhance any outsourced campaign.


Costa Rica's Call Center can provide a bilingual nearshore recruiting department for your BPO campaign which can manage incoming calls, filter applicants through interviews and creative web design for your advertising. Our customer service agents can assist you in developing a bilingual hiring pool for the fast growing Latin American market. Your entire call center recruiting campaign will yield hundreds of resumes that require an immediate courtesy phone call or email prior to another company having an opportunity to employ the high-quality prospect. A poorly planned telemarketing recruiting campaign can be a misuse of your company's time, resources, and psychological energy. Let our Central American call center increase the probability of hiring a good applicant by being in contact with them first.

Our BPO bilingual scriptwriting team can prepare a detailed questionnaire for you. At Costa Rica's Call Center, we focus on extra questions pertaining to interpersonal communication scenarios and conflict management situations to uncover the finest candidate for the job. Our competitive advantage for you will be a developed pre-qualified applicant pool before your company fills a position. We can develop solid relationships with potential candidates long before you require them. Your task is to make the final selection of the elite. Costa Rica's Call Center can outsource your recruiting; interviewing and hiring practices thereby offering you highly eligible candidates as a result.

Using call center telemarketing services is usually the first contact an outsourcing company will have with a prospect or client, and it is important that the company retain control over this function. Outsourcing your lead generation process has been shown to save money, time and open new prospects in the emerging Latino market via bilingual call center telemarketers.

In the 21st century, many companies are thinking outside of traditional means of business while aggressively looking to get the best price and the best performance for their dollar such as outsourcing jobs to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. As companies decide to outsource call center telemarketing services, it is very important to have a call center comply with your set company policies and procedures. A competent call center will make sure to utilize these steps before deciding to hire a single bilingual call center agent.

Call center telemarketing services is a method of direct marketing in which a bilingual call center agent solicits to prospective customers to buy products or services. Many call centers use predictive dialers to enhance a telemarketing campaign through recorded sales pitches programmed to be played over the phone. Potential clients will choose an option and will be connected to a live bilingual call center agent to further assist the client. Many times, call center telemarketing services is a process that often involves two or more calls. The first outbound or inbound call should determine the level of the customer’s needs or interests. The final outbound or inbound call is intended to motivate the customer to make a purchase or some sort of commitment to the company. The strict qualification process is implemented to classify which customers are most likely to purchase the product or service and those that should be taken off a calling list.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center prides itself by offering highly trained telemarketers that can comply with any outbound campaign procedures. Cold calling is often very rewarding and easy for a LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center bilingual telemarketing agent. With an effective script and proper telemarketing training, the call center agent is often welcomed, interacts in a proactive conversation and experiences a lower rate of rejection than other call center telemarketers that are not as properly prepared.

At LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center our executive script writing team seeks to uncover and develop techniques to lower the rate of rejection and convert more calls into clients. Those who are well trained by our call center experts know that their approach needs to be perfected in order to probe discovery while trying to uncover whether a suspected prospect is interested and therefore a qualified prospect. Advanced rhetoric is used to build trust and uncover the reality of whether there is a solid match between the potential client and product or services our call center client’s offer. The outsourcing company must be able to provide the LATIN AMERICAn call center a high quality, up-to-date and scrubbed database consisting of qualified prospects that will have a strong interest in the product or service being sold.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Work hard and play hard at Costa Rica's Call Center.

Our Central America Call Center encourages challenging activities for the customer service agents during their break time. Stress is an unavoidable part of a Latin America Call Center experience and can be counter-balanced.

Friendly competition is a great way to strengthen personal bonds, encourage new friendships and mold BPO groups to work well together. Since childhood, strategic games were always the best way to assemble new groups of individuals for team building.

The ages of our telemarketing call center agents range from 18 to 60 years old. We provide all types of entertainment to recharge their batteries for a second half push on the phones.

Plus, it never hurts to work on your short game...


The Central America Call Center can utilize rows of three customer service call center work stations for maximum control of growing BPO campaigns.

The soft lighting combined with the high ceiling, natural Costa Rican rainforest pine wood promotes a pleasant sensation of a large working space for our bilingual BPO Call Center agents. Your outsourced campaign deserves a strong commitment to continue optimistic employee self-confidence so each call center agent continues to make a difference and have create value to your company.

Tropical plants always line the middle of the room to make a natural separation of BPO campaigns on both sides of the telemarketing floor. This enhancement creates a wonderful Latin America Call Center Industry experience for our bilingual agents, clients and management.

Our call center training will prepare your agents to ask an additional closing question, take the time to offer several options for a sale, avoid sidetracking and especially taking the most direct route toward the conclusion of each phone, chat or email interaction. A thank you for the customer’s time is required and made on every phone call regardless of the outcome. Your clients will appreciate you for not sacrificing the quality of your BPO Latin America customer support.

We clearly understand the importance of minimizing BPO handling time on the phone while still offering exceptional call center service. A comprehensive analysis of different customer care calls will be conducted and results sent directly to you for review. Our Latin American Call Center wants you to feel more secure knowing that your English speaking Customer Care team is under control and well supervised, so that you may focus on areas of your business that require more of your time and attention

Our bilingual BPO call center is able to offer you to the best and most effective in call center telemarketing training and customer attention through a professional work outsourcing environment and a highly structured BPO career development program. We produce future leaders in the outsourcing industry, not laggards. Our Costa Rican Call Center always has the need for the experienced and those who desire to be a sharp executive secretary, patient customer service agent, highly skilled telemarketers and imaginative web designers and programmers.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Costa Rica's Call Center can comfortably fit 250 customer service work stations.


The Central America Call Center can utilize rows of three customer service call center work stations for maximum control of growing BPO campaign.

The soft lighting combined with the high ceiling, natural Costa Rican rainforest pine wood promotes a pleasant sensation of a large working space for our bilingual BPO Call Center agents. Your outsourced campaign deserves a strong commitment to continue optimistic employee self-confidence so each call center agent continues to make a difference and have create value to your company.

Tropical plants always line the middle of the room to make a natural separation of BPO campaigns on both sides of the telemarketing floor. This enhancement creates a wonderful Latin America Call Center Industry experience for our bilingual agents, clients and management.

Our call center training will prepare your agents to ask an additional closing question, take the time to offer several options for a sale, avoid sidetracking and especially taking the most direct route toward the conclusion of each phone, chat or email interaction. A thank you for the customer’s time is required and made on every phone call regardless of the outcome. Your clients will appreciate you for not sacrificing the quality of your BPO Latin America customer support.

We clearly understand the importance of minimizing BPO handling time on the phone while still offering exceptional call center service. A comprehensive analysis of different customer care calls will be conducted and results sent directly to you for review. Our Latin American Call Center wants you to feel more secure knowing that your English speaking Customer Care team is under control and well supervised, so that you may focus on areas of your business that require more of your time and attention

Our bilingual BPO call center is able to offer you to the best and most effective in call center telemarketing training and customer attention through a professional work outsourcing environment and a highly structured BPO career development program. We produce future leaders in the outsourcing industry, not laggards. Our Costa Rican Call Center always has the need for the experienced and those who desire to be a sharp executive secretary, patient customer service agent, highly skilled telemarketers and imaginative web designers and programmers.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Costa Rica's Call Center can comfortably fit 250 customer service work stations.



The Central America Call Center can utilize rows of three customer service call center work stations for maximum control of growing BPO campaigns.

The soft lighting combined with the high ceiling, natural Costa Rican rainforest pine wood promotes a pleasant sensation of a large working space for our bilingual BPO Call Center agents. Your outsourced campaign deserves a strong commitment to continue optimistic employee self-confidence so each call center agent continues to make a difference and have create value to your company.

Tropical plants always line the middle of the room to make a natural separation of BPO campaigns on both sides of the telemarketing floor. This enhancement creates a wonderful Latin America Call Center Industry experience for our bilingual agents, clients and management.

Our call center training will prepare your agents to ask an additional closing question, take the time to offer several options for a sale, avoid sidetracking and especially taking the most direct route toward the conclusion of each phone, chat or email interaction. A thank you for the customer’s time is required and made on every phone call regardless of the outcome. Your clients will appreciate you for not sacrificing the quality of your BPO Latin America customer support.

We clearly understand the importance of minimizing BPO handling time on the phone while still offering exceptional call center service. A comprehensive analysis of different customer care calls will be conducted and results sent directly to you for review. Our Latin American Call Center wants you to feel more secure knowing that your English speaking Customer Care team is under control and well supervised, so that you may focus on areas of your business that require more of your time and attention

Our bilingual BPO call center is able to offer you to the best and most effective in call center telemarketing training and customer attention through a professional work outsourcing environment and a highly structured BPO career development program. We produce future leaders in the outsourcing industry, not laggards. Our Costa Rican Call Center always has the need for the experienced and those who desire to be a sharp executive secretary, patient customer service agent, highly skilled telemarketers and imaginative web designers and programmers.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Costa Rica's Call Center can comfortably fit 250 customer service work stations.


Our Central America call center appointment setting services, customer care agents or telemakrketing professionals will take care of producing profit with many potential and exisitng clients in both English and Spanish. Let our first impression turn a cold call into a warm introduction that produces revenue and referrals for your business. Costa Rica's Call Center will afford you the luxury of concentrating more on closing the deal at hand, while effortlessly moving on to the next warm appointment, sale or additional order that is waiting for you. The Latin American outsourcing industry makes sense.

Does your company rely heavily on bilingual employees for growth and profit? Do you invest a major part of your marketing budget to make it effective? At Costa Rica's Call Center, our bpo services will give you an advantage over your local competition. Our Latin American Bilingual call center agents will keep your machine going in order to maximize your daily sales performance and affording you well deserved down time to recharge and prepare for the next big meeting.

Our Central Call Center telemarketing Agents excel in positive first impressions, great communication skills and limitless persistence on the phone. Depending on your specific bpo campaign, we always assign the call centeragents that are best suited for your individual program. As we hire and train your outsourced telemarketer team, we particularly look for BPO candidates that have the ability think on their feet while asking your predetermined qualifying questions.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, Costa Rica. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb volcanos or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

Costa Rica's Call Center can comfortably fit 250 customer service work stations.



The Latin American call center customer service work station rows were set up specifically for close monitoring by the BPO campaign supervisors and telemarketing project managers.

All Central America call center monitor screens are completely visible from every angle to ensure that every Latin America Call Center agent on a phone call is working up to speed. A bilingual telemarketer that rushes through a script for fear of rejection can never match up equally to one of our call center's well trained sales executives and customer service agents. We will represent you and your company in the best light when selling your product or service.

As you would expect, a pertinent information checklist will be verified and double-checked for quality during each phone call to increase your odds of reaching the proper person by phone and those that want to do business with you. Our BPO agents are trained to carefully repeat the information provided by the client so that both parties will avoid costly mistakes. At Costa Rica's Call Center, we like to ensure that the client was sincerely listening to our proposal and that their cognitive reasoning ability has been tested and verified. Every contact we make on the phone is not considered a telemarketing lead, only those that show a real interest in the product or service you are offering will be delivered.

A carefully crafted cold call or customer service script, coupled with motivational training, will mentally prepare your teams personality to make the maximum number of completed sales each day. One extra lead can make all of the difference to your companys bottom line and growth. Only the most dedicated, quick witted and endurance driven call center individuals will be chosen for this most important outsourcing position. Costa Rica's Call Center will only entertain hiring those with the skill to successfully handle rejection gracefully while at the same time thinking outside of the box to make a sale or retaining a customer.


Costa Rica's Call Center Flat Screen Monitors.

Every Central America call center agent is given the same quality telemarketing work station for maximum performance and meeting quotas.

Latin America Call center aesthetics are strongly encouraged to make the call center agent feel comfortable. Besides the custom made Costa Rican pine wood work stations, the call center company screen saver unites us all under the same Costa Rica’s Call Center logo and national colors. Many different BPO call center agent personalities shine on the telemarketing floor through a positive work envirmonment.We supply an entire BPO package for the best bilingual call center agents in Latin America.

Costa Rica's Call Center wants you to feel more secure knowing that your Customer Care team is under control and well supervised, so that you may focus on areas of your business that require more of your time and attention.


15 SEAT BPO CALL CENTER AGENT outsourcing campaigns at Costa Rica's Call center.

Our Central America Call Center provides an intimate telemarketing or customer service space for less distraction and enhanced privacy.

Movable walls can provide the necessary space to separate several dozen Latin America Call Center agents from the rest of the floor.

Call Center supervisor stations will always be available for proper monitoring and BPO campaign structures. Our top management team is always observing new methods, ideas and tools in order to improve our effectiveness and ready to identify and work out a problem area in a campaign. Costa Rica's Call Center is constantly implementing new and improved BPO call center strategies while refining older telemarketing techniques that work.

Costa Rica's Call Center's can comfortably fit 250 customer service work stations.

Our Central America Call Center Agents have the luxury of fresh air, natural light, vaulted ceilings, tropical plants, custom made pine wood BPO stations and high powered air conditioning units to make their work environment as enriching as possible.

The Latin America Call Center industry has given companies a competitive business advantage by providing more than twice the number of highly trained and educated bilingual call center staff for the same price as you would pay within your local area for one higher paid and less well trained call center agent.

The call center customer service work station rows were set up specifically for close monitoring by the BPO campaign supervisors and telemarketing project managers.

All call center flat screen monitors are completely visible from every angle to ensure that every Latin America Call Center agent on a phone call is working up to speed and call center supervisors can Effectively do their job for your projechttt.

Money will always motivate call center employees. In Costa Rica, call center jobs are high-paying, highly sought-after jobs in comparison to other vocations. Most of the telemarketing jobs leaving the United States are for positions and salaries many North Americans snub. Our bilingual call center agents will make a consistent, effective contribution to the campaigns success in order to insure that their paycheck continues.