Costa Rica's Call Center operates all bilingual BPO training sessions in a low pressure environment. The faster the agents get on the phone and take a call will improve their learning curve, become more efficient faster and would decrease their ramp-up time. During this stage, they have to get comfortable handling customer service and sales issues very quickly before they are approved to make a single call for your company. A mandatory call center training quiz at the end of every BPO class is necessary to make sure that the Latin American agents know how to handle our system and have a confident understanding of your outsourced material taught that day.
Our Central American call center covers all aspects of foundation training for bilingual offshore agents. Since 2000, our telemarketing training staff still has the passion to train and mold raw talent while building the BPO team's self-esteem and confidence. It is important to analyze the exact training sessions you need before we begin. Costa Rica's Call Center will supply you with a detailed questionnaire to be filled out prior to the preparation for your classes. Depending on the scale and complexity of your campaign, training times and lengths will vary for proficiency. As the nearshore telemarketing training is near completion, several test calls will be made to you for final approval of the script and our team members ability to properly speak for your company.