Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cada llamada de teléfono

El reconocimiento y la calificación de un cliente potencial pueden ser tareas costosas y complejas lo cual aumentará si una compañía no tiene los sistemas para descubrir la información específica para una venta finalizada. Cada lista de llamadas contiene varios candidatos bien capacitados para invertir en su compañía dentro de un grupo más grande de candidatos no idóneos que deben ser filtrados. ¿La pregunta lógica es, tienen ustedes realmente el tiempo extra y la paciencia para obtener datos frescos y para volver a conectar con todos los clientes potenciales, antiguos clientes y clientes actuales? Su respuesta es contratar de forma externa todas sus llamadas de teléfono con nuestro centro de atención telefónico para así poder suministrar una abundante cantidad de datos frescos. Nuestras llamadas de teléfono clasificarán el nivel del interés del cliente y descubrirán el potencial de ventas para usted.

Costa Rica’s Call Center garantiza que calificaremos, informaremos y pre-venderemos a cada cliente para aumentar la adquisición de sus listas de clientes potenciales en inglés y español. Comenzamos cada llamada de teléfono pensando en una venta y si el cliente no cuelga durante la presentación, pueden todavía necesitar un poco más de convencimiento o explicación. Cada llamada de teléfono cuesta tiempo y dinero a nuestros clientes y no debe ser apresurada o agotada. Las listas de llamadas calificadas no se extinguen en la llamada inicial al trabajarlas meticulosamente y se mantienen actualizadas hasta que todos los clientes potenciales se incorporen en la rotación de ventas. Dado que los ejecutivos de ventas son generalmente los empleados mayormente compensados sin cargo ejecutivo de una organización, es lógico suministrarlas tantas listas de clientes potenciales preseleccionadas como sea posible de modo que su índice de conversión sea el más alto al vender a los clientes interesados y no por llamadas en frío a números de teléfono al azar.

Para entender totalmente la respuesta verdadera de sus clientes, una lista de control de información relevante será establecida y revisada para valorar cada llamada de teléfono. Una campaña debe intentar ampliar el porcentaje de contacto de la persona responsable de tomar decisiones por teléfono y aquellos que quieran hacer negocio con su compañía. Nuestros agentes del centro de atención telefónico son entrenados para repasar cuidadosamente toda la información dada por el cliente de modo que ambas partes implicadas puedan evitar errores costosos. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, hacemos los posible para asegurarnos que el cliente escuchó nuestra oferta así como probar y verificar activamente sus capacidades cognoscitivas de razonamiento. Cada contacto hecho en una llamada telefónica no será considerado un cliente potencial, sólo les enviarán aquellos clientes potenciales que presentan un interés verdadero.

Al contratar de forma externa los servicios de colocación de citas de su compañía, nuestro centro de atención telefónico generará reuniones calificadas con los diversos clientes potenciales en inglés y español. Permita que la primera impresión que usted tenga de nosotros sea el tornar una llamada fría en una presentación amistosa que genere beneficios y las recomendaciones de negocio para su compañía. Sus citas se confirman con la persona responsable solamente, punto. Costa Rica’s Call Center les dará la comodidad en centrarse más en terminar el trato a mano, mientras que fácilmente se ocupa de la siguiente reunión que le está esperando.

A los agentes de telemercadeo del centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica les va extremadamente bien con las primeras impresiones optimistas, capacidades de comunicación refinadas y determinación ilimitada en cada llamada de teléfono. Dependiendo de su campaña particular de colocación de una cita, nos aseguramos de emplear los tele-operadores que se adapten a su programa individual. Pues contratamos y entrenamos a su equipo de tele-operadores de colocación de una cita, buscamos particularmente a agentes con la habilidad para pensar rápidamente mientras que hacen sus preguntas de calificación preestablecidas sin defectos. Aun más importante, el tomar extensas notas es obligatorio a lo largo del diálogo para descubrir las preocupaciones o los intereses detallados que pueden demostrar ser inestimables mientras que ustedes entran a su primera reunión con el cliente. Nuestros agentes del centro de atención telefónico han sido especialmente entrenados para solicitar una cita en cada llamada de teléfono y para reportar detalladamente por qué una cita ha sido desechada o aceptada para una mejora estratégica futura.

¿Depende su negocio grandemente en la colocación de citas para expansión e ingresos? ¿Gasta usted la mayor parte de sus finanzas de mercadeo para hacerlo exitoso? En el centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica, nuestro departamento de colocación de citas les proporcionará una ventaja importante sobre su competencia incluso antes que tengan la oportunidad de ofrecer su mercancía o servicio. Nuestros agentes trabajarán y se familiarizarán con su horario de trabajo y harán uso de un calendario en línea colectivo y sencillo. Costa Rica’s Call Center mantendrá su máquina de colocación de citas para tomar a ventaja completa de su actividad de ventas mientras a ustedes se les brinda el bien ganado tiempo libre para organizarse para la siguiente reunión.

llamadas telefónicas

En el momento que convenimos con su tipo particular de servicios de contratación externa y la motivación de sus clientes, la campaña será puesta en movimiento. Una línea de tiempo se debe ser creada por su compañía y nuestro centro de atención telefónico para que sus nuevos empleados alcancen sus metas antes de hacer una sola llamada. Esto ocurrirá después de que nuestros ejecutivos consulten con los líderes de equipo y el personal del entrenamiento de telemercadeo sobre su proyecto. Todas las sugerencias serán compartidas con ustedes para apoyar su decisión final.

En el centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica, estamos seguros que hacer una llamada de teléfono del servicio de atención al cliente de alta calidad es más racional que detener una llamada de teléfono antes de que concluya para alcanzar la cuota de un departamento. Nuestro centro de atención telefónica educa específicamente a nuestros agentes para ser persistentes, hacer preguntas cerradas múltiples y sugerir todas las opciones disponibles. Más importante aun, tomar la ruta más directa hacia la conclusión de cada interacción. Un cortés agradecimiento por el tiempo del cliente es obligatorio y se espera en cada llamada de teléfono a pesar del resultado. Sus clientes estarán agradecidos con usted por no disminuir la calidad de su atención al cliente.

Inequívocamente comprendemos el significado de reducción del tiempo en el manejo del teléfono mientras que continuamos ofreciendo un servicio de atención al cliente excepcional. Un estudio completo de la duración de diversas llamadas telefónicas será realizado y el resultado les será enviado inmediatamente para su estudio. El centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica quisiera que ustedes se sientan cómodos sabiendo que los agentes del servicio al cliente están organizados y bien dirigidos. Este sistema le permitirá concentrarse en las áreas de su negocio que exigen más tiempo así de como su atención personal.

Un guión de llamada producido cuidadosamente, combinado con el entrenamiento intenso de telemercadeo, preparará con éxito la mentalidad de su equipo y aumentará su resistencia para terminar el número máximo de ventas registradas cada día laboral. Cada primacía calificada adicional puede hacer que el rédito de su compañía crezca exponencialmente.

Sólo los más leales, inteligentes y motivados agentes del centro de llamadas serán seleccionados para su campaña de contratación externa. Costa Rica’s Call Center sólo considerará entrevistar aquellos con la capacidad de manejar exitosamente objeciones con gracia mientras que al mismo tiempo ir un paso más adelante que el cliente para hacer una venta exitosa por teléfono.

Un teleoperador promedio que solamente usa el guión rápidamente por miedo al rechazo o que su llamada sea cortada, nunca podrá competir igualmente con uno de nuestros ejecutivos de telemercadeo bien entrenados del centro de atención telefónico. Nos enorgullecemos representándolos al vender su producto o servicio. El centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica empleará solamente cerradores de telemercadeo experimentados con el potencial ilimitado, punto.

expandir su negocio con un plan de comercialización

En Costa Rica’s Call Center, su primera consulta no será manejada por un ejecutivo de cuenta, sino por el Presidente mismo, Richard Blank. Después de un análisis profundo y de una comprensión clara de sus objetivos de negocio, nuestro centro de atención telefónico comenzará a alinear su campaña con nuestros servicios. El propósito principal en su llamada inicial es recibir consejo y concluir por ustedes mismos si la contratación externa con nuestro centro de atención telefónico es necesaria para su creciente compañía. Aun más importante, ver si tiene sentido lógico y financiero hoy.

Nuestra meta es entender exactamente qué busca y su necesidad específica de negocio. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, estamos entrenados para hacerle una serie de preguntas selectivas y así preparar mejor a nuestro equipo de agentes para su campaña. Cada pequeño detalle es muy importante y se debe tomar en consideración. No queremos que tenga una sensación de apremio. Siéntase libre de tomar su tiempo al explicar sus objetivos y metas. Escuchamos cuidadosamente todas sus preocupaciones e ideas. En nuestro centro de atención telefónico, no utilizamos un formato genérico que se utiliza en cada cliente que nos llama. Si lo hiciéramos, sería un deservicio enorme a su tiempo y a la campaña de contratación externa de su compañía. En Costa Rica’s Call Center, cada cliente nuevo es considerado único que se merece su propio programa de campaña específico.

Costa Rica’s Call Center puede proveeer muchos servicios de contratación externa cualquier tamaño de presupuesto. ¿Cuál es una cantidad razonable de capitolio para que su compañía comience una campaña de contratación externa? Tan pronto como nuestros esfuerzos produzcan altos resultados, debemos considerar un presupuesto más grande de contratación externa, si lo desean, para aumentar el crecimiento de su compañía.

Estamos determinados en construir una relación laboral a largo plazo con su compañía que beneficie a todos. Nuestro objetivo principal es ayudar expandir su negocio con un plan de comercialización bien preparado que tenga sentido a su rédito, punto. En el centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica, estamos convencidos de que ustedes estarán satisfechos con los resultados y trabajarán con nosotros en campañas futuras.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

paraíso de América Central, Costa Rica.

Costa Rica tiene una infraestructura muy sólida, un gobierno democrático estable, costos laborales muy competitivos y una plataforma bilingüe de trabajo para el centro de atención telefónico que se adapta especialmente a la cultura norteamericana. Muchos de los agentes extranjeros de centros de atención telefónicos son bilingües en su lengua nativa del medio oriente o asiática lo cual es difícil al oído norteamericano. En vista de ello, el español es más útil y práctico como segunda lengua para los mercados potenciales de América del Norte, América Central y América del Sur, así como esos países donde el español es la lengua primaria o secundaria. Solamente este aspecto ha hecho que Costa Rica sea uno de los lugares de la contratación externa más atractivos Los trabajos contratados de los centros de atención telefónicos son algunas de las oportunidades de carrera mejor pagadas en Costa Rica. Esto lo diferencia enormemente de otros países que lo consideran como trabajo transitorio en una compañía sin posibilidad de avance. Los índices de reemplazo de empleados en estas otras localizaciones son de cinco a diez veces más que en Costa Rica.

Le instamos a visitar uno de nuestros centros de atención telefónicos en su siguiente viaje personal de vacaciones o de negocios al paraíso de América Central, Costa Rica. Al estar aquí, le recomendamos permanecer un día más de su viaje para visitar las impresionantes playas virginales, jugar golf al lado del océano, pruebe su suerte en la pesca en mar profundo, explore selvas tropicales, escale los volcanes o sólo relájese en manantiales naturales de agua caliente. Venga vea por usted mismo por qué la contratación externa del centro de atención telefónico en Costa Rica es la solución perfecta para su creciente compañía y una fuerza mayor en la industria BPO.

la contratación externa en Costa Rica

Nuestro trabajo es que Costa Rica's Call Center le otorgue a cualquier compañía que haya elegido contratar de forma externa una ventaja práctica proporcionando más del doble del número de agentes bilingües extremadamente bien entrenados y educados por el mismo dinero que pagarían en su área local. Además, los individuos que contratan de forma externa pueden beneficiarse de la legislación fiscal internacional concedida a las compañías internacionales que invierten en Costa Rica y su economía creciente. La claridad en los ahorros y las ventajas financieras hará de la contratación externa en Costa Rica una decisión económica y estratégica muy sabia en su parte y para su organización.

La gran demanda por los servicios del centro de atención telefónico nos ha provisto de de una gran abundancia de curriculums vitae de tele-operadores calificados que quieren trabajar para ustedes. Al contratar de forma externa a agentes supervisados por los encargados de BPO y supervisores altamente entrenados del centro de atención telefónico puede brindarle a su negocio un método probado de expansión o permaner en contacto cercano con su base de clientes existente. La contratación externa a Costa Rica elimina la presión adicional y tiempo invertido por ustedes para entrevistar, calificar, emplear y entrenar a tele-operadores por ustedes mismos.

Además, a diferencia de otros centros de atención telefónicos grandes y tradicionales situados lejos en India y Filipinas, Costa Rica's Call Center se centra en solamente el manejo de hasta cien agentes a la vez. Tan pronto como se logra la capacidad, un centro de atención telefónico idéntico adicional será formado con la misma estructura y plan empresarial para mantener nuestros resultados y expectativas constantemente más altos que el de la competencia. La estrategia de nuestra compañía es dedicarle tiempo para el manejo de un proyecto a la vez y con éxito controlar la calidad y analizar la técnica y la presentación telefonica de cada agente. Su campaña de contratación externa merece un firme compromiso para continuar y una confianza optimista del empleado en sí para que cada agente continúe marcando la diferencia y crear valor para su compañía.

centro avanzado de contratación externa para el telemercadeo

El centro de atención telefónico de Costa Rica (CCC) es un centro avanzado de contratación externa para el telemercadeo situado en el capital de San José, Costa Rica en America Central.

El objetivo primario de nuestro centro de atención telefónico bilingüe es satisfacer personalmente sus necesidades de servicios de telemercadeo BPO. El enfoque principal de cada campaña de contratación externa BPO siempre será el educar y realzar personalmente las habilidades de cada agente para poder dar una calidad superior en las llamadas entrantes y salientes de telemercadeo a las pequeñas y medianas compañías internacionales, empresarios, así como las compañías de Fortune 500.

La industria de contratación externa del centro de
de Costa Rica continúa creciendo, lo cual ha producido un mercado altamente competitivo con muchas opciones dependiendo del precio y del servicio. Nuestra ventaja, como centro de atención telefónico bilingüe situado en Costa Rica, se puede ver claramente por la proximidad a los Estados Unidos, la zona de horario central y el valor agregado de la capacidad de la lengua española ahora se consideran como requisitos básicos al tomar la decisión importante de cuál centro de atención telefónico BPO utilizar para su importante projecto.

Aun más importante, ¿el software del centro de atención telefónico puede apoyar las necesidades de un cliente cuando su campaña externa crece? Dejar esto al azar ya no es una opción al elegir donde contratar de forma externa. El software del centro de atención telefónico es tan importante para una campaña externa como el entrenamiento de telemercadeo. Ambas áreas deben ser confiables, seguras y capaces de sobrepasar los otros centros de atención telefónicos que usted está considerando actualmente para contrtatar de forma externa su campaña BPO.


Offshore BPO business conditions are stable and secure in Costa Rica. There are many other Latin American countries that offer bilingual call center support with much lower levels of working conditions and unstable governments. Our unique Costa Rican Call Center offers the highest quality, college educated, dedicated agent support for wages that are 40%-80% lower than the United States while offering top wages compared to other vocations in Central America. Fortunately, the increased growth of the nearshore outsourcing industry has supplied our clients with plenty of English speakers attuned to the needs of the North American market.

Costa Rica is the new "in" location for "near-shoring." The peaceful country has a population of about 4 million people, the region's oldest democracy, political stability, infrastructure and an impressive 95% literacy rate. A lucrative Free Trade Agreement with the United States has companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Hewlett Packard , Amazon and Intel making substantial investments in Costa Rican outsourcing contact centers. After a solid track record of BPO performance and metrics, CCC ranks behind powerhouses such as India and China as one of the most competitive offshore outsourcing destinations offering high-paying, highly sought-after bilingual customer service and telemarketing jobs.

Global competitive pressures and international recession fears are forcing United States corporations to lower their costs and to explore offshore business options. Today, many organizations feel that it is necessary to do nearshore outsourcing just to remain competitive. After careful analysis, many companies have now expanded their operations in Costa Rica . It is attractive in terms of cost, breadth of capabilities, skilled labor pool, Spanish marketing capabilities and a fun destination to visit your outsourcing partner.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


The center is able to incorporate your equipment into our network or configure our server room to work with your systems. The room is always locked, has restricted access and monitored 24 hours a day.The Central American Call Center has both fiber optic and VOIP phones. The PBX is digital and we use three different telecommunication carriers to ensure a fully redundant phone service and reliability for every customer service and sales call.

Our call center provides more than ample internet bandwidth through three local providers to guarantee the highest uptime to all offshore outsourcing campaigns. To avoid any disruptions, the fiber optic dedicated connection has been placed underground and protected from all adverse weather conditions and vandalism.

The moment we agree on your particular type of BPO outsourcing needs and the expectations from your customers, the offshore telemarketing process is put into motion. A time frame must be established by both parties for your new call center staff to reach their goals before your launch date. This will take place after our top executives consult with the nearshore customer service managers and training staff on your outsourced campaign. All opinions will be discussed with you to assist in making your final approval.

Hiring and specialized training of your Central America telemarketing team will take place immediately. Depending on the scale and complexity of your BPO campaign, training times and lengths will vary for proficiency and must be taken into consideration. This will be to your call center advantage and will work in your bilingual team's favor for maximum BPO results. Daily updates on your call center agents can be sent to you at the end of each business day for review, if requested. Normal reporting is on a three day basis.

Outsourcing organizations that perform call center outbound calls can easily prospect customers by identifying behaviors such as past purchase history, credit limit, competition entry forms, previous requests for information and application forms that can assist when making a sale or financial commitment.

CENTRAL AMERICA has many Call centers making outbound calls that require a qualification process to determine which customers are most likely to purchase the product or service. An effective call center solution for outbound telemarketing systems often involve motivational approaches that must be based on one of clear explanation and fulfillment for the bilingual call center agent. Call center outbound calls have the capability of uncovering whether a suspected prospect is interested and therefore a qualified prospect they can follow up on with during future outbound telemarketing calls. A proper outsourced BPO telemarketing campaign can build trust between the bilingual CENTRAL AMERICAN call center agent and the client, as well as determining the true intentions of the potential client and the level of interest in the product or services offered.

There are a number of ways in which call center outbound calls can be very effective during a telemarketing campaign. One telemarketing aspect is for the CENTRAL AMERICAN call center to use a high quality, up-to-date database consisting of qualified prospects. Another method is to utilize cold calls as a simple way to make confirmed appointments for companies that outsource to a CENTRAL AMERICAN call center. Many charitable organizations, political parties and alumni associations often use call center outbound call solutions when making prospect calls to solicit donations. A call center management solution uses aggressive telemarketing to complete a live survey of the prospective or past customers of a client’s business in order to analyze the satisfaction with a particular product, service, brand, or company.


The center is able to incorporate your equipment into our network or configure our server room to work with your systems. The room is always locked, has restricted access and monitored 24 hours a day.The Central American Call Center has both fiber optic and VOIP phones. The PBX is digital and we use three different telecommunication carriers to ensure a fully redundant phone service and reliability for every customer service and sales call.

Our call center provides more than ample internet bandwidth through three local providers to guarantee the highest uptime to all offshore outsourcing campaigns. To avoid any disruptions, the fiber optic dedicated connection has been placed underground and protected from all adverse weather conditions and vandalism.

The moment we agree on your particular type of BPO outsourcing needs and the expectations from your customers, the offshore telemarketing process is put into motion. A time frame must be established by both parties for your new call center staff to reach their goals before your launch date. This will take place after our top executives consult with the nearshore customer service managers and training staff on your outsourced campaign. All opinions will be discussed with you to assist in making your final approval.

Hiring and specialized training of your Central America telemarketing team will take place immediately. Depending on the scale and complexity of your BPO campaign, training times and lengths will vary for proficiency and must be taken into consideration. This will be to your call center advantage and will work in your bilingual team's favor for maximum BPO results. Daily updates on your call center agents can be sent to you at the end of each business day for review, if requested. Normal reporting is on a three day basis.

Outsourcing organizations that perform call center outbound calls can easily prospect customers by identifying behaviors such as past purchase history, credit limit, competition entry forms, previous requests for information and application forms that can assist when making a sale or financial commitment.

LATIN AMERICA has many Call centers making outbound calls that require a qualification process to determine which customers are most likely to purchase the product or service. An effective call center solution for outbound telemarketing systems often involve motivational approaches that must be based on one of clear explanation and fulfillment for the bilingual call center agent. Call center outbound calls have the capability of uncovering whether a suspected prospect is interested and therefore a qualified prospect they can follow up on with during future outbound telemarketing calls. A proper outsourced BPO telemarketing campaign can build trust between the bilingual LATIN AMERICAN call center agent and the client, as well as determining the true intentions of the potential client and the level of interest in the product or services offered.

There are a number of ways in which call center outbound calls can be very effective during a telemarketing campaign. One telemarketing aspect is for the LATIN AMERICAN call center to use a high quality, up-to-date database consisting of qualified prospects. Another method is to utilize cold calls as a simple way to make confirmed appointments for companies that outsource to a LATIN AMERICAN call center. Many charitable organizations, political parties and alumni associations often use call center outbound call solutions when making prospect calls to solicit donations. A call center management solution uses aggressive telemarketing to complete a live survey of the prospective or past customers of a client’s business in order to analyze the satisfaction with a particular product, service, brand, or company.


Bilingual outsourcing agents focus on creating personal long-term goals such as becoming a top telemarketing closer or a more short-term goal like mastering the customer support script and rebuttals. Contact center trainers reinforce the Latin American strong emotional state of confidence while keeping the phone interaction focused on the basics, guidelines and adherence to hit for a higher standard of telemarketing metrics.

Financial rewards, daily contests, strategic games and office parties are common for agents with positive customer feedback so that they consider the call center experience a long term career opportunity. There are many chances for upward mobility in the offshore BPO industry. Since Costa Rica's Call Center is not a 2000 seat operation, we can give the proper individual attention needed for a faster learning curve, closer relationships with upper management and the ability to make a name for oneself in a shorter period of time.

All CCC employees have been personally trained by the CEO in soft skills, advanced English grammar and rhetoric, Anglo Saxon culture, values and expectations. We do not entrust your offshore campaign to a lower level trainer or non industry expert. We have prepared the most efficient bilingual call center agents in the offshore outsourcing industry, period. This is the secret to our high employee morale and continued success when motivating our call center staff.

In order to fully comprehend your specific LATIN AMERICA outsourcing business needs, we will ask you a series of selective BPO questions. Every telemarketing detail is important and must be considered to properly prepare your call center agents. Take your time when speaking, so we may listen carefully to all of your customer service ideas and concerns. There is no generic format given to anyone who contacts us, which would be a disservice to you and to your company when offshoring. At Costa Rica's Call Center, each nearshore client is regarded as unique and merits their own tailor made bilingual call center campaign program.

LATIN AMERICA is a country that has produced a 90 percent literacy rate and a large hiring pool of impressive English speakers that understand and imitate the North American culture. Our LATIN AMERICAN call center managers take the time to make every bilingual call center agent understand the importance of call center career development and promotion within LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. This particular mind set will increase the positive results to your company’s outsourcing campaign for long term results.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA have mostly been bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS at one time in the past for other LATIN AMERICAN call centers. Most of our call center managers at LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center are promoted from within our call center organization after an impressive campaign as an agent or have been highly recommended by other successful BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA.

By having the experience of outbound telemarketing or handling a rude customer on an inbound customer service call, call center management LATIN AMERICA will understand what it takes to successfully handle eight hours on the phone and indentify the signs of call center agent burn out. Call centers managers at LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center are able to share their call center success stories to the new hires or are able to lend a hand with a good rebuttal and rhetoric when an established call center agent may need additional phone skill advice. There are no better call center management teams in LATIN AMERICA to help a bilingual call center agent’s career development within the outsourcing industry than LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA requires people skills and organizational acumen. All bilingual call center managers must keep employees motivated in a fast paced job while maintaining first class customer service quality and accurate staffing levels for the clients to ensure the outsourced campaign functions properly. The main goal for a call center manager is to concentrate on keeping the call center TELEMARKETERS happy and productive. Call center management LATIN AMERICA stresses the fair and respectful treatment to their TELEMARKETERS while listening to their ideas for greater participation and loyalty to the BPO campaign. LATIN AMERICAN call center managers never discourage creativity and provide an attractive incentive package for the call center TELEMARKETERS that will reward performance.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA organizes ongoing training by sitting with the hired bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS periodically in order to listen to calls and discuss the strong points of the conversation while lending advice for areas of improvement. Bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS must understand and discover what transpires in conversations to convert a client into a sale or make a customer satisfied, not just what managers think should be said in order to keep a job at a call center. An easy way to manage a call center is to monitor service levels and abandon rates of the TELEMARKETERS. Outsourcing Companies will clearly define to the call center what service level is appropriate for their business and ensure that it can be met in order to be successful. Correct call center staffing levels are vital as well to ensure proper support to the BPO campaign.

The base of any successful bilingual outbound or inbound telemarketing campaign requires a confident and strong call center management team from LATIN AMERICA already established to decrease agent attrition and to increase LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center’s call center agent morale. With the proper call center software in place, most proficient call center managers can successfully oversee daily call results and make immediate script implementations or procedure corrections to make your outsourcing solution in LATIN AMERICA, the correct one for your outsourced campaign.


Bilingual outsourcing agents focus on creating personal long-term goals such as becoming a top telemarketing closer or a more short-term goal like mastering the customer support script and rebuttals. Contact center trainers reinforce the Latin American strong emotional state of confidence while keeping the phone interaction focused on the basics, guidelines and adherence to hit for a higher standard of telemarketing metrics.

Financial rewards, daily contests, strategic games and office parties are common for agents with positive customer feedback so that they consider the call center experience a long term career opportunity. There are many chances for upward mobility in the offshore BPO industry. Since Costa Rica's Call Center is not a 2000 seat operation, we can give the proper individual attention needed for a faster learning curve, closer relationships with upper management and the ability to make a name for oneself in a shorter period of time.

All CCC employees have been personally trained by the CEO in soft skills, advanced English grammar and rhetoric, Anglo Saxon culture, values and expectations. We do not entrust your offshore campaign to a lower level trainer or non industry expert. We have prepared the most efficient bilingual call center agents in the offshore outsourcing industry, period. This is the secret to our high employee morale and continued success when motivating our call center staff.

In order to fully comprehend your specific Central America outsourcing business needs, we will ask you a series of selective BPO questions. Every telemarketing detail is important and must be considered to properly prepare your call center agents. Take your time when speaking, so we may listen carefully to all of your customer service ideas and concerns. There is no generic format given to anyone who contacts us, which would be a disservice to you and to your company when offshoring. At Costa Rica's Call Center, each nearshore client is regarded as unique and merits their own tailor made bilingual call center campaign program.

LATIN AMERICA is a country that has produced a 90 percent literacy rate and a large hiring pool of impressive English speakers that understand and imitate the North American culture. Our LATIN AMERICAN call center managers take the time to make every bilingual call center agent understand the importance of call center career development and promotion within LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. This particular mind set will increase the positive results to your company’s outsourcing campaign for long term results.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA have mostly been bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS at one time in the past for other LATIN AMERICAN call centers. Most of our call center managers at LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center are promoted from within our call center organization after an impressive campaign as an agent or have been highly recommended by other successful BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA.

By having the experience of outbound telemarketing or handling a rude customer on an inbound customer service call, call center management LATIN AMERICA will understand what it takes to successfully handle eight hours on the phone and indentify the signs of call center agent burn out. Call centers managers at LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center are able to share their call center success stories to the new hires or are able to lend a hand with a good rebuttal and rhetoric when an established call center agent may need additional phone skill advice. There are no better call center management teams in LATIN AMERICA to help a bilingual call center agent’s career development within the outsourcing industry than LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA requires people skills and organizational acumen. All bilingual call center managers must keep employees motivated in a fast paced job while maintaining first class customer service quality and accurate staffing levels for the clients to ensure the outsourced campaign functions properly. The main goal for a call center manager is to concentrate on keeping the call center TELEMARKETERS happy and productive. Call center management LATIN AMERICA stresses the fair and respectful treatment to their TELEMARKETERS while listening to their ideas for greater participation and loyalty to the BPO campaign. LATIN AMERICAN call center managers never discourage creativity and provide an attractive incentive package for the call center TELEMARKETERS that will reward performance.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA organizes ongoing training by sitting with the hired bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS periodically in order to listen to calls and discuss the strong points of the conversation while lending advice for areas of improvement. Bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS must understand and discover what transpires in conversations to convert a client into a sale or make a customer satisfied, not just what managers think should be said in order to keep a job at a call center. An easy way to manage a call center is to monitor service levels and abandon rates of the TELEMARKETERS. Outsourcing Companies will clearly define to the call center what service level is appropriate for their business and ensure that it can be met in order to be successful. Correct call center staffing levels are vital as well to ensure proper support to the BPO campaign.

The base of any successful bilingual outbound or inbound telemarketing campaign requires a confident and strong call center management team from LATIN AMERICA already established to decrease agent attrition and to increase LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center’s call center agent morale. With the proper call center software in place, most proficient call center managers can successfully oversee daily call results and make immediate script implementations or procedure corrections to make your outsourcing solution in LATIN AMERICA, the correct one for your outsourced campaign.


Large amounts of bonus money will always motivate employees in any department of a call center. In Costa Rica, bilingual call center jobs are high-paying, highly sought-after Central American jobs in comparison to other vocations. Most of the telemarketing jobs leaving the United States are for positions and salaries many North Americans snub. Our call center agents will make a consistent, effective contribution to the campaigns success in order to insure that their paycheck continues while ensuring long term stability for our international clients.

All of our bilingual BPO agents value success, integrity, customer service, a personal work ethic, excellence and innovation. The call center associates align those values with the organization's goals and company vision.

Our advanced call center habits are reinforced by our SMART Coaching methodology and will be instituted to ensure consistency across all call center locations. To ensure high employee morale, we implement internal promotions and cross skilling talent to guarantee a versatile and well trained customer service or telemarketing agent. A BPO team always receives initial assessments and ongoing support. We regard all candidates that work at the call center as an asset than an expendable short term hire. Naturally, an open door policy and access to all levels of leadership daily is never denied.

Our Central American call centers are run on a minimum of 22 key performance indicators along with proven BPO best practices. Topics ranging from response time, quality, cost per call, ESAT to ensure positive movement, FCR and CSAT focused for excelled customer service experiences.

Our top near shore call center management team is always observing new methods, ideas and tools in order to improve our effectiveness and ready to identify and work out a problem area in a near shore campaign. Costa Rica's Call Center is constantly implementing new and improved offshore outsourcing strategies while refining older techniques that work to improve performance and ROI.

Your dedicated bilingual agent will always have scripting practice along with telemarketing suggestions for modification and improvement. By concentrating on the Latin American agent's personal development and career growth, your company will have the best bilingual near shore call center agent within the entire BPO industry, period.

In addition, unlike other traditional offshore call centers, Costa Rica's Call Center stays focused on managing no more than a two hundred and fifty agent call center, one outsourced or outbound customer service campaign at a time in order to properly control quality, performance and positive BPO morale. Once capacity is reached at one of our call centers, another location will be created with the same nearshore BPO structure and Central American business plan in order to keep our bilingual call center results and expectations consistently higher than that of the telemarketing competition.

Outsourcing with BPO call centers in CENTRAL AMERICA has proven to offer a client increased flexibility in its resource management and reduce crucial response times to major political and financial changes. That is why many companies outsource jobs to CENTRAL AMERICAn BPO call centers every year in order to remain competitive and secure.


Our bilingual call center concierge service can assist in your Central American travel arrangements. If you decide on a business or personal trip, Costa Rica's Call Center will make sure to optimize our local contacts to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Let us know exactly what trip you have in mind and we will take care of the rest. Personally greeting you at the airport is just the beginning for all of our nearshore BPO clients.

Once you arrive in Costa Rica, there is no more than a ninety minute drive that separates you from the nearest beach. The local population is known as, “Ticos” (as Costa Ricans are warmly called), is friendly and has created a very peaceful culture with remarkable national pride. Spanish is the official language with English widely spoken. Even the water is safe to drink in all areas of the country.

Costa Rica is a tropical destination with an internationally respected rain forest and strong eco tourism following. The Latin American country experiences only two seasons: wet and dry. The dry season is generally between late December and April, and the wet season lasts the rest of the year. Temperature is more a matter of elevation than location with a mean of around 72 to 89 degrees.

Our call center encourages you to visit one of our locations. After your tour of our facilities and learning about our advanced bilingual call center culture and possibilities for your company, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to enjoy yourself.

You will be in awe of the stunning virgin beaches or finding that a round of golf next to the ocean was exactly what is needed to recharge your batteries. Many look for the challenge of deep sea fishing or exploring the mysteries of the tropical jungles on canopy tours. Costa Rica offers endless natural hot spring resorts and unique day spas.

Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in Costa Rica is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the international bilingual BPO industry.


The center is able to incorporate your equipment into our network or configure our server room to work with your systems. The room is always locked, has restricted access and monitored 24 hours a day.The Central American Call Center has both fiber optic and VOIP phones. The PBX is digital and we use three different telecommunication carriers to ensure a fully redundant phone service and reliability for every customer service and sales call.

Our call center provides more than ample internet bandwidth through three local providers to guarantee the highest uptime to all offshore outsourcing campaigns. To avoid any disruptions, the fiber optic dedicated connection has been placed underground and protected from all adverse weather conditions and vandalism.

For all nearshore telemarketing projects with specific growth projections, our IT support team will adjust our bandwidth capacity to fulfill your needs. Costa Rica BPO centers have the ability to dedicate 100 Megs with proper advanced notice. Our mutual goal is to always provide service The secure and reliable 87KVA Wacker backup diesel generator is capable of supplying full power to our entire call center infrastructure for as long as the outside power fails. The multiple UPSs installed at every bilingual BPO agent's work station provide the needed power until the generator starts. Telemarketing and customer service calls will not be missed or dropped since the generator starts to supply stable power within 30 seconds of a power failure. All offshore call center campaigns will continue to function without an interruption or down time.

Our entire Central American contact center is 100% secure and borders the Spanish Embassy on Paseo Colon. The agents and staff are protected 24 hours a day by multiple armed security, two dozen surveillance cameras and can be totally monitored over the internet from anywhere in the world. Costa Rica is a peaceful country and does not promote violence. Yet, a large investment in technical infrastructure and six figure BPO outsourcing contracts must be protected and insured.

Our current inventory:

Cisco ASA 5510 w/ IPS module Cisco 3550-48 Catalyst 356048 PS Cisco IP Phone CP-7911 Dell Power Edge 2950 APC Smart-UPS Head unit APC Smart-UPS Battery Pack Cisco 2960-48TC-L Cisco Pix 515 US Robotics 56k Modem Cisco 7941 VOIP Phones Sennheiser Phone Headsets Plantronics Phone Headsets Cisco Aironet 1130AG Wireless Access Point Cisco 2950

motivating our call center staff

What is Costa Rica’s Call Centers secret to motivation?

Large amounts of bonus money will always motivate employees in any department of a call center. In Costa Rica, bilingual call center jobs are high-paying, highly sought-after Central American jobs in comparison to other vocations. Most of the telemarketing jobs leaving the United States are for positions and salaries many North Americans snub. Our call center agents will make a consistent, effective contribution to the campaigns success in order to insure that their paycheck continues while ensuring long term stability for our international clients.

All of our bilingual BPO agents value success, integrity, customer service, a personal work ethic, excellence and innovation. The call center associates align those values with the organization's goals and company vision.

Bilingual outsourcing agents focus on creating personal long-term goals such as becoming a top telemarketing closer or a more short-term goal like mastering the customer support script and rebuttals. Contact center trainers reinforce the Latin American strong emotional state of confidence while keeping the phone interaction focused on the basics, guidelines and adherence to hit for a higher standard of telemarketing metrics.

Financial rewards, daily contests, strategic games and office parties are common for agents with positive customer feedback so that they consider the call center experience a long term career opportunity. There are many chances for upward mobility in the offshore BPO industry. Since Costa Rica’s Call Center is not a 2000 seat operation, we can give the proper individual attention needed for a faster learning curve, closer relationships with upper management and the ability to make a name for oneself in a shorter period of time.

All CCC employees have been personally trained by the CEO in soft skills, advanced English grammar and rhetoric, Anglo Saxon culture, values and expectations. We do not entrust your offshore campaign to a lower level trainer or non industry expert. We have prepared the most efficient bilingual call center agents in the offshore outsourcing industry, period. This is the secret to our high employee morale and continued success when motivating our call center staff.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Outsourcing with BPO call centers can help a company focus on its core responsibilities, without investing time on the everyday duties that can easily be handled by an experienced bilingual Costa Rican call center agent. By outsourcing jobs to a BPO call center it will still allow the company to preserve key employees in the home office. This additional time saved can be important in building the firm’s core businesses.


Outsourcing with Costa Rica’s Call Center will avoid downsizing your company after so many years of hard work and dedication. By taking advantage of our call center outsourcing services in CENTRAL AMERICA, your company will not only double the amount of bilingual call center staff, but will be able to make the most of your internet and web site budget with our call center software services to help increase business in the 21st century.


Call center outbound calls are the key to countless North American companies that rely on cold calling for their existence. The skilled bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS who are good at their profession can make a great deal of money. Call center outbound calls are handled by many simple procedures. The ideal first phase would be to call the person by name and introduce yourself to the prospect. Tell your prospect about the reason for the call and how long the outbound call will take. If they are willing and have the time to talk with you and then the call center agent must comply with the committed schedule. On the other hand, if the prospect asks that you contact them at another time, respect their wishes and make an appointment to call back at a later date. Call center outbound calls can result in either a closed sale or an established time to call the prospect back that must be followed up in a timely manner.


Outsourcing call center CENTRAL AMERICA allows companies to have an outsourced call center do the work for them and enables clients to grow at a comfortable pace. Once a mutually beneficial outsourcing contract is implemented and both parties sign, the process is set in motion. Telemarketing, customer service, compliance calls, survey calls are just a few services that Costa Rica's Call Center offers clients for a fraction of the cost that they would pay locally.


Unlike other traditional offshore call centers, Costa Rica's Call Center stays focused on managing no more than a two hundred and fifty agent call center, one outsourced or outbound customer service campaign at a time in order to properly control quality, performance and positive BPO morale. Once capacity is reached at one of our call centers, another location will be created with the same nearshore BPO structure and Central American business plan in order to keep our bilingual call center results and expectations consistently higher than that of the telemarketing competition.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Costa Rica is a very attractive Latin America nearshore outsourcing experience. Most importantly, you can take advantage of the international tax laws granted to international companies that invest in Costa Rica and its local call center economy. The potential savings and benefits will make your outsourcing campaign a very wise BPO business decision.

Outsourcing with BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA has proven to offer a client increased flexibility in its resource management and reduce crucial response times to major political and financial changes. That is why many companies outsource jobs to LATIN AMERICAn BPO call centers every year in order to remain competitive and secure.

Outsourcing with BPO call centers can help a company focus on its core responsibilities, without investing time on the everyday duties that can easily be handled by an experienced bilingual LATIN AMERICAn BPO call center agent. By outsourcing jobs to a BPO call center it will still allow the company to preserve key employees in the home office. This additional time saved can be important in building the firm’s core businesses.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center initial consultation will clearly determine which of the main reasons drives the company to outsource and what duties should remain with the client’s home office. BPO call center agents can easily handle customer intimacy, product leadership and operational excellence for a fraction of the price that one may pay in their local area. Thus, focusing solely on one or many of these important reasons that drive a company to outsource to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center can create a bilingual competitive edge in a tougher global marketplace. BPO call centers may be your solution.

BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA increase the speed of business processes immediately. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center works closely with clients to use their existing linear programming techniques to reduce cycle time and streamline the operational procedures that will greatly reduce a company’s slack and ramp up time. Outsourcing with a BPO call center should be structured as an extension of your own company. Flexibility is an important stage in the organizational life cycle for call center management. BPO call centers can maintain ambitious growth goals, which may or may not adjust comfortably with regular incumbent strategies. Business process outsourcing has the advantage to allow companies that outsource jobs to retain their entrepreneurial agility and speed, which they would unfortunately have to sacrifice in order to become efficient as they rapidly grow larger. By outsourcing with LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center, your company will expand globally and have a bilingual competitive advantage in the 21st century.

Risk is an important factor with Business Process Outsourcing. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center eliminates security risks both from a communications and from a privacy perspective by firewalls, encryption and a close relationship with the client’s IT department for mutual BPO call center support. All potential threats to outsourcing must therefore be managed and analyzed to achieve a positive return on investment for the client and prevent any potential obstacle for the LATIN AMERICAn call center. The advanced BPO call centers will have in place a set of carefully structured steps to successfully identify, control and manage the call center agent and outsourced campaign.

Business Process Outsourcing
in LATIN AMERICAN call centers has the advantage to rapidly increase the decision making flexibility of any organization that decides to outsource jobs to bilingual call center agents.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center can, most importantly, increase a company’s bottom line by offering double the number of bilingual employees that could be hired locally for the same expenditure. Therefore, business process outsourcing immediately enhances an organization’s ability to grow with bilingual call center agents, stress free hiring and training along with a seamless transition to the BPO call center outsourcing industry.

Most BPO call centers charge outsourced inbound or outbound process on a prepaid or commission basis. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center helps every company to become more flexible by transforming fixed into variable costs for controlled spending on projected budgets for their outsourced campaign.

BPO outsourcing to a call center creates a solid variable cost structure that a North American company can quickly and easily respond to when changes in required capacity and bilingual personnel are needed. In addition, BPO call centers such as LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center, do not require the client to invest in assets thereby making that company who decides to outsource to BPO call centers have greater flexibility with their capital expenditures.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, LATIN AMERICA. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb a volcano or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in LATIN AMERICA is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.

BPO 2012

Central America BPO software is as important to an outsourced campaign as telemarketing training. Both areas must be secure, reliable and willing to out perform the same call center competition that you are currently considering. Costa Rica has a very solid infrastructure , stable democratic government, very competitive labor costs and a telemarketing job pool that is especially attunded to the North American culture. Offshoring call center jobs are some of the top paying career opportunities in Costa Rica. This differs greatly from other countries that consider it as a starting position in a dead end call center company. Turnover at these other locations are five to ten times more than in Costa Rica.

Outsourcing with BPO call centers can help a company focus on its core responsibilities, without investing time on the everyday duties that can easily be handled by an experienced bilingual LATIN AMERICAn BPO call center agent. By outsourcing jobs to a BPO call center it will still allow the company to preserve key employees in the home office. This additional time saved can be important in building the firm’s core businesses.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center initial consultation will clearly determine which of the main reasons drives the company to outsource and what duties should remain with the client’s home office. BPO call center agents can easily handle customer intimacy, product leadership and operational excellence for a fraction of the price that one may pay in their local area. Thus, focusing solely on one or many of these important reasons that drive a company to outsource to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center can create a bilingual competitive edge in a tougher global marketplace. BPO call centers may be your solution.

Risk is an important factor with Business Process Outsourcing. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center eliminates security risks both from a communications and from a privacy perspective by firewalls, encryption and a close relationship with the client’s IT department for mutual BPO call center support. All potential threats to outsourcing must therefore be managed and analyzed to achieve a positive return on investment for the client and prevent any potential obstacle for the LATIN AMERICAn call center. The advanced BPO call centers will have in place a set of carefully structured steps to successfully identify, control and manage the call center agent and outsourced campaign.

BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA increase the speed of business processes immediately. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center works closely with clients to use their existing linear programming techniques to reduce cycle time and streamline the operational procedures that will greatly reduce a company’s slack and ramp up time. Outsourcing with a BPO call center should be structured as an extension of your own company. Flexibility is an important stage in the organizational life cycle for call center management. BPO call centers can maintain ambitious growth goals, which may or may not adjust comfortably with regular incumbent strategies. Business process outsourcing has the advantage to allow companies that outsource jobs to retain their entrepreneurial agility and speed, which they would unfortunately have to sacrifice in order to become efficient as they rapidly grow larger. By outsourcing with LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center, your company will expand globally and have a bilingual competitive advantage in the 21st century.

Business Process Outsourcing in LATIN AMERICAn call centers has the advantage to rapidly increase the decision making flexibility of any organization that decides to outsource jobs to bilingual call center agents.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center can, most importantly, increase a company’s bottom line by offering double the number of bilingual employees that could be hired locally for the same expenditure. Therefore, business process outsourcing immediately enhances an organization’s ability to grow with bilingual call center agents, stress free hiring and training along with a seamless transition to the BPO call center outsourcing industry.

Most BPO call centers charge outsourced inbound or outbound process on a prepaid or commission basis. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center helps every company to become more flexible by transforming fixed into variable costs for controlled spending on projected budgets for their outsourced campaign.

BPO outsourcing to a call center creates a solid variable cost structure that a North American company can quickly and easily respond to when changes in required capacity and bilingual personnel are needed. In addition, BPO call centers such as LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center, do not require the client to invest in assets thereby making that company who decides to outsource to BPO call centers have greater flexibility with their capital expenditures.

Outsourcing with BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA has proven to offer a client increased flexibility in its resource management and reduce crucial response times to major political and financial changes. That is why many companies outsource jobs to LATIN AMERICAn BPO call centers every year in order to remain competitive and secure.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center agents are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, LATIN AMERICA. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb a volcano or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in LATIN AMERICA is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.


In order to fully comprehend your specific Central America outsourcing business needs, we will ask you a series of selective BPO questions. Every telemarketing detail is important and must be considered to properly prepare your call center agents. Take your time when speaking, so we may listen carefully to all of your customer service ideas and concerns. There is no generic format given to anyone who contacts us, which would be a disservice to you and to your company when offshoring. At Costa Rica's Call Center, each nearshore client is regarded as unique and merits their own tailor made bilingual call center campaign program.

LATIN AMERICA is a country that has produced a 90 percent literacy rate and a large hiring pool of impressive English speakers that understand and imitate the North American culture. Our LATIN AMERICAn call center managers take the time to make every bilingual call center agent understand the importance of call center career development and promotion within LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. This particular mind set will increase the positive results to your company’s outsourcing campaign for long term results.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA have mostly been bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS at one time in the past for other LATIN AMERICAn call centers. Most of our call center managers at LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center are promoted from within our call center organization after an impressive campaign as an agent or have been highly recommended by other successful BPO call centers in LATIN AMERICA.

By having the experience of outbound telemarketing or handling a rude customer on an inbound customer service call, call center management LATIN AMERICA will understand what it takes to successfully handle eight hours on the phone and indentify the signs of call center agent burn out. Call centers managers at LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center are able to share their call center success stories to the new hires or are able to lend a hand with a good rebuttal and rhetoric when an established call center agent may need additional phone skill advice. There are no better call center management teams in LATIN AMERICA to help a bilingual call center agent’s career development within the outsourcing industry than LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA requires people skills and organizational acumen. All bilingual call center managers must keep employees motivated in a fast paced job while maintaining first class customer service quality and accurate staffing levels for the clients to ensure the outsourced campaign functions properly. The main goal for a call center manager is to concentrate on keeping the call center TELEMARKETERS happy and productive. Call center management LATIN AMERICA stresses the fair and respectful treatment to their TELEMARKETERS while listening to their ideas for greater participation and loyalty to the BPO campaign. LATIN AMERICAn call center managers never discourage creativity and provide an attractive incentive package for the call center TELEMARKETERS that will reward performance.

Call center management LATIN AMERICA organizes ongoing training by sitting with the hired bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS periodically in order to listen to calls and discuss the strong points of the conversation while lending advice for areas of improvement. Bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS must understand and discover what transpires in conversations to convert a client into a sale or make a customer satisfied, not just what managers think should be said in order to keep a job at a call center. An easy way to manage a call center is to monitor service levels and abandon rates of the TELEMARKETERS. Outsourcing Companies will clearly define to the call center what service level is appropriate for their business and ensure that it can be met in order to be successful. Correct call center staffing levels are vital as well to ensure proper support to the BPO campaign.

All bilingual call center outsourcing campaigns must be managed properly to maximize your company’s investment and growth.

The base of any successful bilingual outbound or inbound telemarketing campaign requires a confident and strong call center management team from LATIN AMERICA already established to decrease agent attrition and to increase LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center’s call center agent morale. With the proper call center software in place, most proficient call center managers can successfully oversee daily call results and make immediate script implementations or procedure corrections to make your outsourcing solution in LATIN AMERICA, the correct one for your outsourced campaign.

Call centers in LATIN AMERICA have been known to expand their agent capacity to a few thousand seats at certain call centers throughout Central America. Advanced and up-to-date technology has enabled call center IT departments to take advantage of call center management software ensuring complete control over the thousands of employees and their work performance. From bilingual customer service TELEMARKETERS that enter a new order in the data base to a web designer creating your latest website, our call center management LATIN AMERICA will be on top of every BPO campaign and outsourced project that you give to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. Let our BPO call center management team take care of certain areas of your business, so that you may concentrate on other areas that require more of your time and immediate attention.

Call center managers are a special breed of business manager. Call center management LATIN AMERICA possesses the capability to motivate and understand the demands of a Latino call center agent in LATIN AMERICA. If a call center manager loses focus or neglects a problem area of an outsourced campaign, the results could be drastic to the client. Our LATIN AMERICAn call center management team is handpicked, carefully educated and molded into the most competent in the outsourcing industry to oversee a bilingual call center operation.

In today's highly competitive outsourcing market, a closer proximity to the United States , Central Time Zone and Spanish language capability as an added value are now considered almost basic requirements when making a decision on what call center to use for your important project. Leaving this to chance is not even an option anymore. Many of the offshore call center TELEMARKETERS are bilingual in their native Middle Eastern or Asian language which is difficult to the North American ear. Whereas Spanish is more useful and practical as a second language for potential untapped markets throughout the North, Central and South American populations as well as those countries where Spanish is either a primary or secondary language.

We encourage you to visit one of our call centers on your next personal vacation or business trip to Central America's paradise, LATIN AMERICA. While you are here, we would recommend taking an extra day of your trip to visit breathtaking virgin beaches, play golf next to the ocean, try your luck at deep sea fishing, explore tropical jungles, climb a volcano or just relax in natural hot springs. Come and see for yourself why call center outsourcing in LATIN AMERICA is a perfect solution for your growing company and a powerhouse in the BPO industry.


As you would expect when offshoring to a Latin America call center, a pertinent information checklist will be verified and double-checked for quality during each telemarketing phone call. This BPO strategy will increase your odds of reaching the proper person by phone and those that want to do business with you.

Our bilingual BPO agents are trained to carefully repeat the information provided by the client so that both parties will avoid costly mistakes. At Costa Rica's Call Center, we like to ensure that the client was sincerely listening to our proposal and that their cognitive reasoning ability has been tested and verified. Every contact we make on the phone is not considered a lead, only those that show a real interest in the product or service you are offering will be delivered.

An organization that decides to outsource jobs can use an outsourcing agreement as a catalyst for major step changes that cannot be achieved alone. Fortunately, the outsourcer evolves into a change agent in the process and becomes one with the client. The acceleration of the development or production of a product and service through the additional capability brought by the call center can be limitless through the emergence into the Latino market and others.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA leads the industry in standardizing business processes, outsourcing advanced IT Services and bilingual customer service application services, enabling businesses to intelligently grow at a reduced price. LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center allows a wide range of small to medium sized businesses access to outsourcing services previously only available to large corporations as recent ly as a few years ago.

Smaller companies may succumb to customer pressure and will reduce their customer retention. Customers may see benefits in dealing with call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA and would be very happy with the performance of certain elements of the call center. While they may not see a solution locally, they may accept this through outsourcing. The immediate result will allow organizations to be free to focus on their core business achieving much required competence, leaving non-core responsibilities to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA has received favorable public opinions regarding outsourcing. The main recommendation about LATIN AMERICAn call centers is that outsourcing helps a local labor market thereby helping small businesses survive recessions and as well as a growth spurt. BPO outsourcing is the transfer of the delivery of services which affects both customer service jobs and bilingual individuals when companies decided to compete globally. It is clear that outsourcing has a positive effect on individuals abroad who face job vacancies and employment security. However, call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA supporters believe that outsourcing brings down prices and provides greater economic benefit to each company that decides to outsource jobs to LATIN AMERICA.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA immediately lowers the overall cost of that service to any business.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call center works closely with clients to define clearly the definition of quality levels anticipated for the call center TELEMARKETERS through closely examined cost re-structuring.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA helps companies gain access to lower cost economies through “near-shoring.” Business process outsourcing to a call center can be described as a labor arbitrage generated by the large wage gap between industrialized and developing nations. LATIN AMERICA has a prime advantage by offering highly trained and skilled bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS for a fraction of the price companies would pay within their local market.
In the area of call centers, top level end-user-experience has deemed to be of higher quality when a service is outsourced to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. This is enhanced when outsourcing is combined with off-shoring to regions where the first language and culture are different yet, attuned to the North American market. This unquestionable quality is particularly evident when bilingual call centers that service the public are outsourced to LATIN AMERICA. There is a perception among the general American public that find the linguistics features in LATIN AMERICA such as accents, word use and phraseology similar, make call center TELEMARKETERS in our call center easier to understand.

There are a few types of jobs that are generally outsourced by most companies. Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA is most well-known for its advanced bilingual telemarketing and first class customer service. The future of outsourcing in LATIN AMERICA is highly affected by globalization. As the world becomes figuratively smaller, call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA is the way international companies do business within the Latino and Anglo-Saxon markets.

Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA focuses on cost restructuring to increase the bottom line of a corporation deciding to outsource jobs to a call center. Companies that study outsourcing operating costs take into consideration the difference between fixed costs to variable costs. BPO Outsourcing to a LATIN AMERICAn call center dramatically changes the balance of this ratio by offering a shift to variable from fixed cost and also by making variable costs more predictable when staffing growth. Instead of investing in more local personnel, additional office space and human resources work, Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA can make the transition seamless and turnkey when the need is for bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS in the growing and more competitive global economy.

By outsourcing to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center a company will possibly see an immediate improvement in customer service levels and professionalism through a new and clearly defined service level agreement. Every outsourced campaign is tailored to fulfill the expectations of the client. All call center TELEMARKETERS will have immediate access to intellectual property; receive extensive advanced product training while increasing their experience and knowledge of the company and the campaign they will be working on. Call center TELEMARKETERS must be an extension of the home office with all of the skills necessary to properly manage a BPO campaign in LATIN AMERICA. This may be due to the process of initially implementing proper objective measurement and accurate reporting followed by home office protocol.

Operational expertise when outsourcing to a bilingual call center in LATIN AMERICA grants access to highly structured operational “best practices” that may be too difficult or time consuming to develop in-house as a company grows. The most challenging aspect when hiring call center TELEMARKETERS would be considered staffing issues. Call center outsourcing LATIN AMERICA prides itself by providing a larger talent pool of highly trained bilingual call center TELEMARKETERS that possess a sustainable source of skills which will enhance any outsourced campaign.


Costa Rica's Call Center can provide a bilingual nearshore recruiting department for your BPO campaign which can manage incoming calls, filter applicants through interviews and creative web design for your advertising. Our customer service agents can assist you in developing a bilingual hiring pool for the fast growing Latin American market. Your entire call center recruiting campaign will yield hundreds of resumes that require an immediate courtesy phone call or email prior to another company having an opportunity to employ the high-quality prospect. A poorly planned telemarketing recruiting campaign can be a misuse of your company's time, resources, and psychological energy. Let our Central American call center increase the probability of hiring a good applicant by being in contact with them first.

Our BPO bilingual scriptwriting team can prepare a detailed questionnaire for you. At Costa Rica's Call Center, we focus on extra questions pertaining to interpersonal communication scenarios and conflict management situations to uncover the finest candidate for the job. Our competitive advantage for you will be a developed pre-qualified applicant pool before your company fills a position. We can develop solid relationships with potential candidates long before you require them. Your task is to make the final selection of the elite. Costa Rica's Call Center can outsource your recruiting; interviewing and hiring practices thereby offering you highly eligible candidates as a result.

Using call center telemarketing services is usually the first contact an outsourcing company will have with a prospect or client, and it is important that the company retain control over this function. Outsourcing your lead generation process has been shown to save money, time and open new prospects in the emerging Latino market via bilingual call center telemarketers.

In the 21st century, many companies are thinking outside of traditional means of business while aggressively looking to get the best price and the best performance for their dollar such as outsourcing jobs to LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center. As companies decide to outsource call center telemarketing services, it is very important to have a call center comply with your set company policies and procedures. A competent call center will make sure to utilize these steps before deciding to hire a single bilingual call center agent.

Call center telemarketing services is a method of direct marketing in which a bilingual call center agent solicits to prospective customers to buy products or services. Many call centers use predictive dialers to enhance a telemarketing campaign through recorded sales pitches programmed to be played over the phone. Potential clients will choose an option and will be connected to a live bilingual call center agent to further assist the client. Many times, call center telemarketing services is a process that often involves two or more calls. The first outbound or inbound call should determine the level of the customer’s needs or interests. The final outbound or inbound call is intended to motivate the customer to make a purchase or some sort of commitment to the company. The strict qualification process is implemented to classify which customers are most likely to purchase the product or service and those that should be taken off a calling list.

LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center prides itself by offering highly trained telemarketers that can comply with any outbound campaign procedures. Cold calling is often very rewarding and easy for a LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center bilingual telemarketing agent. With an effective script and proper telemarketing training, the call center agent is often welcomed, interacts in a proactive conversation and experiences a lower rate of rejection than other call center telemarketers that are not as properly prepared.

At LATIN AMERICA’s Call Center our executive script writing team seeks to uncover and develop techniques to lower the rate of rejection and convert more calls into clients. Those who are well trained by our call center experts know that their approach needs to be perfected in order to probe discovery while trying to uncover whether a suspected prospect is interested and therefore a qualified prospect. Advanced rhetoric is used to build trust and uncover the reality of whether there is a solid match between the potential client and product or services our call center client’s offer. The outsourcing company must be able to provide the LATIN AMERICAn call center a high quality, up-to-date and scrubbed database consisting of qualified prospects that will have a strong interest in the product or service being sold.